Old Friend

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As the shinobi stationed where the restrained Dan Katō is, battling the remaining factions of the White Zetsu Army, it suddenly begins raining on the battlefield.

Shikamaru Nara spots a shinobi amongst the White Zetsu clones and wonders whether it was yet another reincarnated shinobi.

"Who is that? I think I have seen him before.." said Shikamaru thoughtfully

Joined by Chōji, and Ino the trio are shocked to see the familiar face of Yota whom they had met when they were younger.

"Yota...?!" Said Shikamaru, Ino and Choji shocked

Elsewhere, at the Logistical Support and Medical Division, Sakura also confronts Yota, around whom it is snowing, Kiba and Akamaru also encounter Yota as well, this one, however, creating lightning storms.

As each group remembers their time with the young man, they formulate a way to defeat him on the battlefield.

Elsewhere, Naruto who is making his way to the battlefield, notices the three different weather phenomenons happening in the different locations and wonders just what is going on.

Still struggling to find a way to deal with the reincarnated Yota, having resorted to dodging his attack, Ino contacts her father and requests that he patch them through to their comrades.

There it is revealed that Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru had also been dealing with Yota.

Shocked as to exactly what was going on, the shinobi struggle to find a way to seal Yota as they had done the other reincarnated shinobi. As they remember more of their time as children with Yota, Naruto also encounters a Yota who conjures gusts of wind with each whistle he makes.

Ultimately, it is revealed that Konoha's Anbu had captured Yota and took him in for questioning. With this, Naruto notes that he and the other kids were responsible for Yota's death.

Discovering that there are four Yota in different battlefields, and recognising Yota's whistling as the one he had taught him, Naruto informs the others that the Yota they're fighting are in fact, disguised White Zetsu, freeing them from the guilt of attacking Yota, which resulted in the Zetsu being defeated.


Remembering the past, Naruto recalled Yota being held by the Anbu for questioning, the Anbu sensing something wrong with Yota.

Naruto acts as a decoy for Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru, Ino, Chōji and Sakura to sneak in.

Shikamaru manages to temporarily paralyse the Anbu, but they soon get the upper hand.

About to attack Naruto, Yota acts out and strikes the Anbu with his lightning.

Naruto and the others then try to get Yota across a river so he can get away, but they all get separated by the strong currents.

Yota saves Naruto, but begins drowning. They try to talk to Yota, but he erases their memories of him and their time together.


Yota reveals that he was already dead when they first met, having been one of the earliest subjects of the Impure World Reincarnation when Orochimaru began testing it.

Yota tells them about how his clan travelled around selling weather, which they could control, and how despite being particularly good at it, Yota's body was frail, leading to an early death.

Afterwards, Yota covers himself in snow, and causes lightning to strike him, leaving Naruto and the others shocked.


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