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Two days later ...

Ino walking alone around the village to spend her leisure time other than training or helping her mother at the shop, she see Kakashi reading a book sitting on a tree.

"Hei Kakashi, what are you doing?" While looking up at him

"Reading" Kakashi said while looking at her as if it's obvious, well it is.

"I can see that"while rolling her eyes and sigh

"So why do you still ask?"while raising his eyebrow

"Just wanted to start a conversation..."with a deadpan look

Kakashi sweat drop"Oh ...so any news?"

Ino roll her eyes and she get an idea something that will for sure interest him "I think sai took interested in me or something" Ino said casually

"Hm..why?"He said curiously , feel a bit uneasy

"He compliment only me when we were eating BBQ at Yakini -Q that day"

"That day? What day?"

"Remember when you need to stay a day or two to do more check up in the hospital and team 7 visits you with Yamato-sensei and Sai and my team came along too?"

"Oh..that day, when Asuma need to say something to me...so he treats you guys to bbq .."

"Yeah that day"

"So .. anything else happens?"His eyes getting darker than usual

"No.. not really..he is quite funny though, he almost called choji fat"Ino said amusement in her voice

Kakashi rolled his eyes secretly ' pft i can be funnier than him '
"Yeah, glad he didn't say it. It will be a whole mess"

"Yes it is " a shiver run through her body when she remember
What had happened when someone called him fat in restaurant. That restaurant was destroyed by Choji's jutsu.

"So..what are you doing?You didn't have any mission this week?"

"Just taking a walk around the village and I'm going to a mission in a few days. It will only take a day if I'm not mistaken "

"Ugh lucky you , i need to go to a mission tomorrow"

Ino look at him in sympathy" how many missions do you need to go in a week?"

"More than two" Kakashi said with his shoulders slumped

Ino look at him shock and pity"I think you need to go home Kakashi, take a rest. You need to get ready for tomorrow's mission "

"Is it okay with you if I go back first?"Kakashi look at Ino unsure

"I'm sure I will be fine by myself, i enjoy spending my time alone. Don't worry, just go already " She said with a little shoved to his shoulder

"Okay okay , i will go"He start to stand and pull out his book out of his pouches

"Go rest, not reading the smut book" Ino scold him

"Right..."He scratch the back of his head and put his book back in his pouched

"Bye , good luck for your next mission.Come back home safely"

"I'm sure I will"while looking back at Ino and waving his hand


Two weeks later

Ino knocked on his door "Kakashi.. Kakashi?! Are you in there?! Tsunade-sama said you will get a few days off starting today! Kakashi open the door!"

"Hai hai...wait a minute " Kakashi said while yawning and open the door a few seconds later"Ino? What are you doing here?"

Ino only look at him for a few seconds because he is still wearing his pyjamas and it's 10 a.m. " Hehe...Do you want to hangout together?"

"Of course,give me a few minutes to get ready. Do you you want to come in?"

"Why not"Ino said while shrugging her shoulder

After a few minutes waiting while sitting on his couch, he come back again to the living room ready with his jonin attires.

"Let's go?"Kakashi said while looking at her

"Let's go"She said while walking out of his apartment

"So where do you want to go?"

"How about our usual place?"

He only nodded his head and start walking.

She feels something off about him but just shrugged it off .

After minutes of walking they finally arrived

"Let's just sit and chat, you okay with that?"

"Sure"he reply simply

While chatting with him for a few minutes she just noticed the dark circles under his eye and his body seems tired and slump

"Kakashi...are you okay?" Ino asked him with worries in her voice

"I am, why do you asked ?"

"Don't lie to me, when did you get back from your last mission?"Ino said sternly

"Last night"Kakashi look at Ino innocently

Ino sigh and pat her lap while looking at him.He lay his head on her lap and looking up at her.

"Do you have any injury?"

"No , it's just a few scratch"

"Are you sure? You're not lying right?"Ino said warning

"No! No! Of course not! Why would I?" He said while chuckle nervously and wave off with his hand.

"You will go to your monthly check-up next week right?" Ino said narrowing her eyes at him

"I will"He said with a defeated look

"Good ,now rest, you need it"while stroking his hair. The gesture make him even more sleepy than before.

"I miss this, i miss you. It's been two weeks since I last saw you. Sorry Ino-chan."

"I miss you too and It's okay, I'm understand I kinda busy too for the past two weeks"she said in understanding.

"I like doing this, it's my favorite thing other than reading, spending my time with you without any distribution "Kakashi sigh in bliss and close his eyes. He put his face to her stomach and drown to her scent. He is fast to fall in the dreamland .

She just sigh while closing her eyes and patting his back , enjoying the scenery and peace atmosphere 'He must be really tired, he rarely get a day off for the last two weeks, poor Kakashi' opening her eyes to look down at the sleeping man 'It must be because of the news of Akatsuki roaming around 'she sigh and just use the time they have the best she can.

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