Leave 🍋

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"Kakashi...oh my god "in a verge of tears

"Please... please no...."

I have never begged for anyone to stay but i said please to you

I have never prayed for anything so badly but I begging the universe to give us a chance that if it could hear me somehow

It was when i was on the verge of losing you that I realized i've never wanted anything more

"Kakashi......" Ino put his head on her lap and run her fingers through his hair

She put her forehead close to his and continue to cry while sobbing "Kakashi come back to me please.....I can't lose you "


Katsuyu relays to Sakura who just arrived, Hinata, Kō and Team Guy that Naruto has successfully defeated the Six Paths of Pain and is now heading out to defeat the final Pain. Neji and Guy decide to give him backup, but Katsuyu relays Naruto's message that this is something he wants to do alone. On his way to the real Pain's location, he is sighted by Inoichi, Shikaku and an unnamed member of the Hyūga clan. Inoichi wants the three of them to tag along with Naruto to defeat Pain, but is outraged when Naruto tells him that he is not going there to kill him but to merely talk to him face-to-face. Shikaku calms Inoichi down and allows Naruto to go on ahead, promising not to follow.

As Inoichi asks why Shikaku would do that, Shikaku reveals that his son Shikamaru had mentioned before how Naruto had a way of convincing others to follow in his path and that he would be an important shinobi for Konoha someday. He tells the others that Shikamaru rarely praises anybody, and for Shikamaru to have said those things about Naruto inspires him to have that same faith as well.

Naruto activates his Sage Mode and is able to sense the real Pain's location.


In the afterlife, Kakashi converses with his father, Sakumo, about how the latter chose to ignore the shinobi rules and save the lives of his comrades, despite knowing he would be condemned for it. He reveals that he felt bitter after his father committed suicide as a result of it, but tells Sakumo that he forgives his father for his actions and is even proud for saving the lives of his friends.He too tell his father about a girl he love , he tell his father how she make him feel, and the guilt that he feels because he leave her and go to the afterlife . Sakumo only smile at his son, glad that at least his son have a loved one at the realm of living and get the chance to have a lover. At that same moment, Nagato uses his Outer Path - Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to resurrect those he had killed during his attack on Konoha, and Kakashi's soul begins to return to the land of the living. As he begins to fade, his father , Sakumo tells Kakashi that he can finally move on in peace with Kakashi 's forgiveness , see his wife and remind Kakashi to appreciate every moment he will have with his loved one.

The citizens of Konoha are perplexed as they see their fallen comrades come back to life, while Shikaku merely states that the event is proof that Naruto had succeeded in his talk with Pain

Kakashi open his eyes and look at the shocked Ino

"Kakashi?!...." Ino shock to see Kakashi opening his eyes "Wha-what..." And look around , and just noticed that all the dead people around her are breathing and moving
"Bu-but how....."

Kakashi's Unexpected LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ