Comfort Him

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After being discharged, Kakashi paid a visit to Ino at her shop.

"Hey, Ino-chan."

"Hey, Kakashi. Good to see you've fully recovered. But why are you here? Looking to buy some flowers?" Ino teased.

"Am I only allowed to visit when I need something ? Ouch, that hurts, Ino-chan. Didn't miss me at all?" Kakashi feigned hurt, clutching his chest dramatically. "Actually, I just missed my best girl friend. That's all," he added with a half-smile, prompting a playful eye roll from Ino.

"But seriously, don't you have missions?" Inquired Ino.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here, hehe." Kakashi chuckled nervously, noticing Ino's slightly annoyed expression. "With the new Hokage, things will be busy. So, I might not be around the village for a while," he explained.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'd have been a worried mess otherwise" Ino laughed.

"Worried about me? Why?" Kakashi looked puzzled.

"Because I care about you, you dummy. We're best friends now, after all. And didn't you notice I waited for you at your bedside every day while you were in your sweet coma?" Ino teased, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, right," Kakashi scratched his head, realizing her point.

"Just be safe, and remember, I'll be waiting for your return," Ino said affectionately.

"I will, Kaa-san" Kakashi teased back with a close-eyed smile, playfully annoying Ino.


A few weeks later...

Kakashi knock on Ino house door unsurely and wait patiently outside.

The door unlocked showing Ino with her nightwear . "Kakashi? What happened? What are you doing here? It's late already" Ino said while looking at Kakashi worriedly."Just come in ,my parents aren't home until tomorrow's afternoon, they have some business in other village ." Looking at the hesitant Kakashi, Ino only sigh and pull him inside her house and make him sit on the couch of the living room."Is this about  Sasuke? " Hesitantly he nodded.
Ino sigh and stand up to make a tea for him .

"Where do you want to go?" Asked Kakashi.

"Making a tea for you"
"Here"Ino set the tea infront of him . He only nodded as thanks and continue being silent.Ino notice he have a far away look on his eye.

Ino grabbed a small pillow, placing it on her lap. "Rest your head here," she said, motioning to the pillow.

Kakashi hesitantly and slowly put his head there and look up at her face, all the while still stay silent.

Ino started pulling his hitaiate off after she  get a nodded of  permission from him. Making Kakashi open his sharingan and Ino started massaging his head "It's not your fault ,you know, it's his choice."

" But I still think it's my fault though, i am his sensei. I take responsible for him" Kakashi said while closing his eyes at the feeling of Ino hand massaging his head.

"Please don't think that way, you're a good teacher to team 7 , they sometimes praise you, you know, obviously when you're not around and when they join rookie 9 hangout" Ino said shocking Kakashi.

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