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The next morning ,Shikamaru came to Ino and Choji house for a secret mission to take revenge on the Akatsuki duo. Just a few steps before the three of them exited the gate, Tsunade suddenly appeared to stop them from leaving, but Shikamaru insisted on going and trying to cooperate with the Hokage. After a few minutes of an argument between a group of them and the Hokage at the gate, suddenly Kakashi arrived and tried to help their group by helping them take revenge.

"What if I go with them, Hokage-sama?"

Shocking team 10 and the Hokage

"Hmmm... " Tsunade think again 'Kakashi is a high level ninja...the possibility that they will lose will also decrease and this group also has of our best strategist...but the Akatsuki... "Argh just go ..but I will not take any responsibility if anything happens to anyone"

"Hai , Hokage-sama" Team 10 said with hope in their eyes

"But Kakashi sensei? How about Naruto's training?"Shikamaru asked Kakashi

"Don't worry, he got it" Kakashi said while showing his bandage hand

"Wow , Naruto is amazing" said Choji and Ino nodded in agreement

"So shall we go?" Kakashi said looking at team 10

"Hai" said Team 10 determine to take ravage for their Sensei

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"Hai" said Team 10 determine to take ravage for their Sensei

With that their journey persuing the Akatsuki started .

Later in the woods, Shikamaru devised a new attack strategy that included Kakashi.After that ,they take an hour to rest for a while.

"Kakashi?"Ino called to Kakashi who sit under a tree reading his book.

"Ino-chan" he called back with a nodded and go back reading his book .

Ino take his book and hold his hand with hers "hey ..I'm sorry okay, I'm..I'm just didn't want to burden you with my revenge" Ino look into his eyes pleading

"And ... what if you fail? You know that it's a reckless decision.. you're going to fight with two S-rank missing ninja without a jonin, make me a worry wreck when this morning when I went to your house to visit you, your mother tell me you are going to a mission.....I knew something is not can you go to a mission just a day after the day of Asuma's funeral..unless the mission have something to do with Asuma ..., Thank goodness Tsunade-sama arrive at the right time, Ino-chan...if not... you probably already left and most likely you will....die" Kakashi said with worry in his voice

"I..I'm sorry Kakashi..I promise, I promise I will tell you if something happening.... forgive me please "Ino said looking at him in guilty and little tears on her eyes

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