New Promise

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A few days later they finally arrived at the village. They all reports the mission together to the Hokage. The Hokage seems not satisfied with the outcome and they are told to leave the room and that they will have a week off.

Kakashi walk to Ino's house and knocked only to be open by Inoichi.

Shocking Kakashi but greet him nonetheless "Good afternoon, Inoichi-sama"

"Oh Kakashi, it's you . Ino is not back from her mission yet .Do you want to come in?"

"O-oh sure" Kakashi said nervously because he have never been in her house alone .

"Are you just got back from your mission?" Asked Inoichi to Kakashi in the living room

"Hai, Inoichi-sama "

"Please don't call me with -sama, you're already like a family to me"Inoichi said waving his hand

"That's right " A new voice come in the living room "We already see you as our own son or.... son-in-law" Inoichi's wife said teasingly at the last part at Kakashi while putting the tea she make on the coffee table.

Making Kakashi blush and Inoichi laugh at Kakashi shyness.

"Yeah, that's true Kakashi. Just call us Kaa-sama and Tou-sama from now on" Inoichi said after his laugh have cool down

"Hai" Kakashi said nervously

"Hai.....?" Ino's mom asked

"H-hai Tou-sama, Kaa-sama" Kakashi said , making Inoichi and his wife smile satisfied.

They chat and Kakashi have a dinner with them, after coming back to his house for a while to take a bath .

Just when they are ready for dinner. There's a knocked on the front door.

"Let me open the door" Kakashi said and walk to the front door. As he open it , he is shock to see Ino. "Ino-chan?"

To say Ino is shock is understandable "Kakashi?" She thought 'What is he doing here? It's already late'

"Oh I'm here for dinner"

Ino's eyebrows shots up "Oh that's nice, let me take a bath first" Ino said while walking upstairs slowly

"Em Ino-chan? Are you okay? What happened?" Kakashi asked concern looking at her bandages ankle

"Oh it's nothing, It's just a sprained ankle"Ino said waving off her hand

"Let me help you walk upstairs " with that he lifted her bridal style and walk to the kitchen to inform her parents

"K-kakashi! Wh-what are you doing?! " Ino asked embarrassed avoiding her parents stares

"It's Ino, she have a sprained ankle. So I will help her to go upstairs" Kakashi said to Ino's parents, ignoring Ino's protest.

The scenes only make Ino's parents laugh and Ino's mom said to Ino "Okay, after dinner I will massage your ankle okay? "

"O-okay ..." Ino said embarrassed and hide her face on the crooked of Kakashi's neck , making Kakashi chuckle

"Please hurry get ready Ino, we will wait for you. We will eat dinner together "

"Hai, Tou-san" Ino said while still hiding her face on the crooked of Kakashi's neck, making Kakashi shiver a little

Kakashi take her upstairs and wait outside her room while reading his book.

A few minutes later Ino come out with her pyjamas.

When Kakashi see Ino , his eyes getting darker a little but he quickly shook his head.

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