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A few days later..

Kakashi sit on the hospital bed after finishing packing all of his belongings . Suddenly there's someone knocking his door "who is it?"

"I don't know.. maybe a human that named Ino Yamanaka?"

"Come in"He said while chuckling

"So.. what's up? You get discharged or what?"

"I got discharged this morning, but i wait until you come"

"Oh, sorry if I make you wait"

"No, it's okay I just finished packing "

"Oh okay then, shall we go?"

"Yes"while picking up his things

They walk and chatting together all the way to go out of the hospital .

"So where's Sakura and Naruto? I didn't see them anywhere"

"They're on a mission together"

"Hmm? They go to a mission? With who? It can't be that they go to a mission only the two of them "

"Yeah, they got a captain and a new team member "

"Oh..i think I have heard about your new team member , he is the one who attacked Shikamaru, Naruto and Choji if I'm not mistaken."

This shocked Kakashi" really?"

"Yup, Shikamaru and Choji told me about it."


"He is from Root, isn't he?"

This make Kakashi stop walking and look at Ino " Who tell you that?" He asked seriously

"Relax, no one tell me. It's just a guess , My father have told me about them..they almost as the same as Anbu but ...more extreme.."

With that Kakashi fully relax and they start walking again to his apartment .

" He is from Root, but don't tell anyone okay? "

Ino only nodded her head as assurence

"Hmm what makes you guess him as a Root members?"

"His skills and emotionless face by what Shikamaru explained "

"Oh, what a smart girl "Kakashi said while patting her head.

"I know" Ino answer and swat his hand that patting her head and flip her hair

Making Kakashi sweat drop and laugh a little.

After a few more minutes, they finally arrived at his apartment.

"You want to come in?" Kakashi asked

"Yes, if its okay with you"Ino said

Kakashi open the door for her and gesture her to come in with his hand.

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