12. Selfish

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We were just kids
When he asked me out
And I said yes
Cause I felt the same way

Vincita Mansion, Edinburgh, Scotland

Shubhveer's pov

*punch 1*

*punch 2*

*punch 3*


*punch 4*

Sweat dripping from my body as I mercilessly punch the punching bag in my gym.

*punch 5* a little aggressive.

You should stop Shubh.

What the hell was I even thinking of when I allowed her to enter my space.

*punch 6*

I should never have let me guard down.

But fact is whenever I am around her, my brain stops fucking working and I start doing things I should not.

Flashback starts

"I have an ex" Anaya said

Shubh looked at her normally and said "Okay. And?"

"Okay umm Shae I mean-"

Shubh gave her a questionable look this time because he wasn't able to understand what she is trying to say.

He didn't interrupt her in between.

He was just quietly waiting for her to speak.

Everyone has their past and he is not the type of person to judge anyone based on it.

If a person is sharing something with you, it means they trust you.

"I-" she didn't have words to say and was pausing in between.

"It's okay Anaya, you can take your time if you are uncomfortable. We can talk about it later." He said with a a genuine smile indicating there is no rush to talk on his face.

She grabs Shubh's arm all of a sudden and he looks at her shaking a little of his head indicating 'what happened'

"Okay listen, come inside, I-I'll explain everything over a cup of coffee." She paused for a second and thought and said, "or chai, I mean, whatever you are comfortable with. Please." She looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Okay ji, as you say"

They both went inside Anaya's penthouse as Shubh sat on the couch looking at his watch.

"Tea or coffee?" She asked him.

"Sohneyo enni khechal na karo tusi" he said.

(Don't put so much effort)

"Khechal? What's khechal?" She asked confused.

"Khechal matlab taqleef. Aap itni taqleef na uthayein. I am perfectly fine."

"Arey please I insist aise fir main khud baat bata nahi paungi."

"Okay you sit calmly here, I'll go and make tea for both of us."

"Shae I asked you tea or coffee not to go and make, zeher nahi milaungi main" she glared at him.

"O-okay sorry." He said and quietly sat down while she went and made two cups of tea.

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