3. Honey.

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I am not an after thought.
I am not a thing at home,
that you forgot.


Shubhveer's pov

"Schedule it 2 weeks later." I order my assistant sitting shirtless on the sun lounger with black Armani shades working on my laptop after a great swimming session.

I had been living in Vancouver for 10 years and 6 as permanent resident but about 7 months ago, due to an emergency case with a fellow lawyer, I had to shift to London.

This case has stretched way too long, unnecessarily.

The journalists want spice for their channels so they add up useless shitty stories to it which gives the opponents an opportunity to fake the allegations.

But it's me we are talking here about.

Shubhveer Singh Gill.

I have never lost any case. Ever.

Lieing is what a lawyer's job is.

However whatever I speak, is truth.

Bitter truth.

Well that's 99 percent the case.

The rest 1 percent where I lie, it's the truth as well.


It's called manipulating someone so perfectly so that they believe in each and every word you say.

Human brain is a toy.

People tend to give the control of this toy to others.

A person does something, you become happy, and if that person does not, you cry.

Serving lies with the mixture of true emotions would result in the taste of the other beings accepting it as truth.

It's all in the emotions.

I don't have time for it.

It's not like I am an emotionless person.


It's just I am not like today's generation's kids who would see a person for one time and would make him the reason for their happiness.

You don't even know them!!

What all dark secrets they have, what their toxic traits are.

You don't know shit about them but you make them incharge of your most precious thing ever.

Your emotions.

I feel emotions, but my priorities are straight.

My work and my family.

My work because I worked hard for it. I know it way more than anyone else. Why would I not feel emotions for it?

My family because they did everything for me since childhood. Supported my each and every decision.

I have worked so hard on this case which we are working on.

Being the senior most criminal lawyer, I had to interview the suspect.

Generally, I do not delay anything related to my work, because I believe in punctuality and respecting what you have.

But since we are here in Udaipur and not London because my sister Manheer gave birth to a cute baby boy and she asked me to attend the functions, we were left with no choice to postpone it 2 weeks later.

Usually I won't care. But Manheer is my life. I can do anything for her.

The moment I hang up my assistant Kirat's call, I get another call.

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