❗️ Third dare ❗️

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Five inhales through his nose and exhales out of his mouth: Your gonna be the death of me Six

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Five inhales through his nose and exhales out of his mouth: Your gonna be the death of me Six

Three and Four enters in, carrying four plastic bags of glitter.

Three: What do you need all this glitter for?

Five: No comment. Leave.

Three and Four are confused but leaves anyways.


After a bit Five now has a pool filled with glitter and is on the rooftop in his swimwear. His kids are nearby, wearing medical clothing. Mini V is wearing a doctor's outfit and Eggcat is wearing a nurse hat.

Five: Let's hope that the glitter will break my fall... if not...then I'm going to haunt Six for the rest of my undead life. 

Five gathers his courage and backflips off and lands in the glitter. 

Five gets out and the pool and spat out glitter: FUCK MY EYES! ACK! 

Five try's to remove the glitter from his eyes. 

Five moans in annoyance: I should've wore goggles...

The kids quickly rolls to him with a sticky roller (the one to get rid of animal hairs on your clothes) and a bucket of water.

Five: Thanks kids. God I'm temporary blind now! And I taste the damn glitter! It's in my mouth! Fucking...ugh..He takes out the piece of paper that says the dare on it, Six, you're an asshole. But I can't stay mad at ya since it was technically a dare. He puts it away. 

Five: Kids? Can you lead me to the bathroom?

And for the rest of the day Five stayed in the bathroom, struggling to get rid of the glitter everywhere on him. 

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