❗️second dare ❗️

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Five: Yea, it's not that that bad, right guys

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Five: Yea, it's not that that bad, right guys. Guys? Five looks over and sees Four and Three blushing. Four in trying to cover his face with his hands as Three is looking away, crossing his arm. But you can tell that he is blushing due to his red tipped ears.

Five chuckles: it won't be that bad! Be thankful it's something innocent and not something sexual or hurtful or whatever. Five takes their hands, him being in the middle, Four on his left and Three on his right.

Three: Whatever...

Four just mumbles: Dream....true...

So for the rest of the day while they were in public, Four's and Three's faces felt hot every time they hold hands. Five was smiling away, his cheeks dusted a light pink, talking about what to buy or what to see while at the mall.

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