Smol Four and Smol Three...?

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They don't know how but one day they were walking in their homes and the next? In a gigantic forest (for them at least).

"Four...where the hell are we?" Three ask, rubbing his head in pain as he gets up from the ground.

"Oh I don't know. In an igloo- WE ARE IN A BIG FOREST! WHERE THE HELL ELSE DO YOU THINK?!" Four says sarcastically before shouting at Three.

"Oh shut up! I was just asking..."

"Whatever." Four sighs, "Let's get out of here. Being in the open...making be nervous." He then randomly walks off in a direction, Three follows after him.

"We don't even know where to go though. Or what to look for."

"That's why people call this an 'adventure'. Because you don't know where anything is!" Four rolls his eyes. The sun is beaming above them, signaling that's it's early afternoon.

"Jeez. Who the hell messed up your coffee this morning?" Three ask as he moves a leaf out of the way.

Four sighs, "No one. I'm just..annoyed that this happened..and I'm tense." He hops over a branch and helps Three get over it.

"I guess you would be...after what happened..ahem. Anyways, do you smell that?" Three ask, sniffing the air.

Four stop and smells, "Yea..I that-"

"COFFEE?!" Four and Three exclaimed at the same time before running towards the smell.

When they moved some big leafs and grass they saw a coffee shop named 'SMG3'S COFFE AND BOMBS' in bright white light.

"Woah! I didn't know you own a coffee shop!"

"I don't!'s a different SMG3? But it couldn't be...right?"

"I don't know nor care. I'm hungry and I could go for something sweet and caffeinated!" Four runs towards the cafe.

"FOUR NO-!" Three chases after him. Four ducks inside by a doggy door. Three had to stop a moment before he could enter in as well. "Four! I though you know better not" Three gets quieter as he talks. Looking around the shop..and also an enormous version of himself.



Three slams his hands on Four's mouth, "Shut up!" Before ducking underneath a table. "Do you want to get caught?!"

"B-but! You're so big! How though.. how is there another you?"

"I'm guessing this isn't our world. And besides, that Three doesn't have the long, dark hair that I have."

"Hehe yea... you look weird without a ponytail or your hair being long." Four says, touching Three's hair a bit.

Three blushes a bit and slaps his hand away, "Whatever. We are here to get your stomach in check before you become a rabid dog." Three peeks out, looking for any signs of danger before grabbing Four's wrist and dragging him.

After ducking beneath table after table they finally reached where all the pastries are kept.

"Okay...quickly pick your food so we can hide again." Three whispers before pushing Four forward.

Four tumbles a bit, gaining balanced, and picked a pastry, a croissant. "Okay let's go-"


The little Four freezes, so does Little Three. Little Four slowly turns around, holding onto the croissant tightly and is faced to faced with the big Three, looking at him with confusion and amazement.

"How did you get so small..? I thought you just left."

Little Three shakes his head and grabs onto little Four. "BYE!" And runs off.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Big Three slams his arms down in front of them before the lite version on him could jump down.

Little Three cussed under his breath and ran the other way, only to be met by the same thing. Big Three quickly got a jar and slams it under them, trapping them in the jar. The little SMGs starts to bang on the glass, want to escape.

Big Three sighs, "Great. Another problem for me to deal with." He look out the window at Four's castle. "But I'm not dealing with this alone." Big Three turns the jar upside and twists a lid on it, with holes punctured in it. The Little Four was munching on the croissant and little Three was glaring at the big version of himself.

"Let's go show Four a surprise~" Big Three leaves his house, walking towards the castle.

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