❓ Third Question ❓

170 3 4

Five was drawing in his journal when a piece of paper fell form the sky and onto his journal.

Five: Hm?

Five chuckles a bit: Now that's a story for me and Six and tell

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Five chuckles a bit: Now that's a story for me and Six and tell. But I'll tell you my side. So remember how I was stuck in the pokéball? Basically I was transported into her world and I just 'pop!' Right in front of her. She seemed to be annoyed and I guess I gotten in the way of something because she was glaring at me with fire in her eyes. Me, being the stupid idiot I am,  wanted to be friends with her so I tried talked to her. But unfortunately I must have said something...hurtful and struck a nerve and she went full demon mode on me. I never knew women could be so...scary...he muttered and shivered a bit.

Five: I was practically running for my life! He laughs a bit, but thankfully before she could 'kill' me I was transported out of the pokéball. But before I left she shouted 'From this day on, we are mortal enemies!' And well somehow we got each others numbers so I text or she does or we call each other. But only to annoy the other of course. 

Five closes his journal: So that's my side of the story, I don't know if Six would say something different and make it seem like I was the villain in the story. But this is mine. And yea...she would challenge me to some things but I always win! It does it close. She kind of acts like Three in a way...I guess you can say that me and Six are Four and Three. I'm Four and she's Three. He laughs at his own joke before leaving the room.

One of the journal pages is sticking out, you can see a person with long brown-reddish hair, a black top hat with a gold ribbon on it, grinning and has a scar across their left eye. It looks like it is almost done.

Random Aus of SMG4 and my ocsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن