I GOTTA BE MATR- 2nd part

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(I can not to a fighting scene so...I tried.)

Explosions, blood, chopped off tendrils surrounds the room. (Y/n) was still at his computer, not minding the battle at all. Four and Three was using their meme entry after finding out their weapons didn't seem to work. Six was still using her bombs, as it was effective to the tendrils.

A tendrils swings at the duo but a cat meme hits it, causing it to scream and disappear.

Six throws bombs after bombs. Never stopping her form. She didn't like this! Not one bit. It reminds her...and she didn't want to re live it. She had to save him, no matter what-

A tendril wraps around her battered body.

Everyone was down. Mario was thrown out of the window a lot time ago. Four and Three were thrown on the ground. They both grunted as the land hard on the ground. They were both bloody and battered but they couldn't give up..

Six was still in the hold of the tendril. (Y/n) brought her closer. "So~ how does it feel hmm? Does this bring back any memories?" He grins.

Six looks at him surprised. "H-how do you-"

"I don't care. Emotions are childish. But~ you could gladly join my side. I mean, that's what you are right? A villain that you want to be seen as~?" Five smiles wide.

Six didn't know what to say. She doesn't like this. She wanted back the person she knows and...

She wanted back SMG5. Once Six was close enough her ripped her hands out of the monster and took the ears bubs off of him.

"AGGH! No! My music!" The tendril dropped her, (Y/n) bends down to get them back.

Six landed on the ground, hurt already hurt body, hurting even more, "F-five-"

"MY NAME IS (Y/N)! NOT THAT STUIPD ASS NAME!" He picks the ear bubs up. Just as he was about to put them in again, Four and Three tackles him down.

"HEY! LET ME GO!!!" (Y/n) struggled to get out of their grip.

Six flinched, she never saw him this angry even when they both fought, "(Y-y/n), please...this is not you. I'm sorry I made you upset and drove you to do this...please...come back. Your...your closest friends are here..trying to save you like you would do for them...for us..." she was on the verge of tears.

(Y/n) stops struggling and looks at her, surprised. "You...your sorry..?" His eyes soften. His normal eye color was returning. He looks around, "What..what happen..? Why does my room...why are you guys..." his eyes filled with tears, "I'm...I'm so sorry!"  he started to sob. All the heartbreak and his mental health....it came out.

Four and Three immediately hugged him, telling him 'it's okay' and 'we're just glad you're okay.'

Six stayed back. She didn't want to ruin their relationship growth. She walks out of the room but before she could exit (Y- Five called out to her,


Six stopped and turned around only to be surprised as Five hugs her. "Thank you for helping me...I don't know what I'll do without you.."

Six blushes, from the hug and something else. "Y-yeah! Whatever! I just didn't want to die!" She shoved him off.

Five chuckles softly, "whatever you say Six."

"I'm...I'm glad you back to normal so fast.."

"Oh no, I'm tired as hell and feel like shit. I'm just good at keeping a positive attitude...unlike someone-"


They both started to argue....well..more like Six was arguing, Five was playfully arguing, putting in some light teases here and there.

Four and Three smiles.

"They act just like us when we were rivals.." Four smirks.

Three chuckles, "Yeah...they do. It's kind of funny to watch.."

"What did Mario miss?"

Both SMG screamed as Mario appears with a bowel of popcorn. Mario looks and sees Five, back to his normal self. "Ooohhh! SMG5 is back to normal! Hooray!"

Four sighed, calming his racing heart down. "Jeez...yea, he's back to normal...almost..."

"Yeah, now he just needs to clean himself up  and head to bed."

Five did just that after Six hit him with a chair. "Good night you guys...thanks for saving me.."

"Anytime scrub." Three ruffled his head and left.

"Your welcome Five." Four hugs him and follows after Three.

Five looks at Six, expecting a 'goodnight' or something, but she didn't say anything. Five frowned a bit and turns around.

"No problem...you would do the same thing for me.." Six mutters.

Five looks at her happy, "I would." He shuts his door softly.

Six didn't like hearing that. Why does he do that...? Why would he sacrifice himself...just to save us..?...to save me.. She didn't understand why. Was Five still going through something? Is Five suicidal? Does he feel like he's in their debt when there is none..?

Six couldn't stop the constant questions from flowing in her head. She opened a portal to home and enters in. Her little eggcat greeted her with a meow.

Aww...shows over? And I was so close to fully controlling him...Oh well~ theirs always next time~

You guys can guess at which lines is what I said~! It was a fantastic show! I can't wait to do it again~!

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