Just as that thought hits me a voice chimes in from behind me.

I jerk my body to face the door. Behind me.

"What a nice surprise meeting you again, Y/n!" His grin never once faltering.

I try to take a shakey step backwards.

"We have so much to catch up on, don't we old pal?" Alastor smiles and takes a step forward.

I turn to look at Aspen. But am met with a strike to my face and back causing me to fall.


I push myself off my chest onto my knees.

Aspen is standing over me with a sinister grin.

Just then the storm finally hit in.

"W-what-" I choke out through a pile of blood piling in the back of my throat.

"OoOoh boss? Alastor- h-he scaredddd meee" Aspen mocked. They grin and lean forward.

"Aspen..." my voice trails off as Alastor smiles at them.

"Aspen here is a such a wonderful worker. Hm? Wouldn't you agree Y/n?"

I stare horrified. I cough on it a mouthful of blood.

The two stood infront of me grinning before Alastor summons a tentacle of shadows. It wraps its way around my neck as I struggle to breathe.

Slowly it lifts me up as I struggle to stay on the ground. My phone drops from my jacket pocket. I search the floors for my staff.

Only to realize

I left it

at Vox's.

I was helpless without it.

Tears well up in my eyes as I watch my best friend, best employee, most trusted companion laugh at my struggle to survive. Alastor slashes my chest open with another tentacle.

I scream in pain.

My blood pours out of me like a faucet.

Tears burn my eyes.

"A..-s..pe..n...?" I gag on the blood pouring out of my mouth. They glares at me.

"Shut the fuck up Y/n. I've never been here for you. No one has ever liked you. No ones ever been here for you." They reach for a knife in their pocket.

"Care to finish her off, dear?" Alastor has a glaring smile and turns to Aspen.

"With pleasure, my lord." Aspen takes three steps forward. I kick my legs, striking them in the gut.

They hiss and slash my legs.

The wounds burned.

My blood joined my dead employees on the ground.

My phone on the ground starts to shake and buzz. Vox's name flashes on the screen. VOX- I attempt to say his name but it's to no use.

Aspen stomps on my phone shutting it off and shattering the screen.

They turn to me.

"One last breath." They grin and plunge the silver knife into my chest.

Alastor's grin burning into my sight.

Cheers to dying a second time, aye?

Then I felt nothing.


~Vox's pov~

Y/n didn't answer her fucking phone. Guilt burned like a bitch inside my gut as I carried her staff in my hand down the street. She probably wants nothing to do with me. I fucking threw her out.

This morning I blew up at her. Even if it was my fault she stayed over and slept in my damn bed.

I remember every fucking moment of last night. I was so dumb. It's so god damn ridiculous.

I feel so embarrassed.

But then again, I wish I could be in her arms all the time. What a stupid- ughh-

She just brings new emotions to the table. And I fucking hate them.

Last night. I can remember that hug like it was the biggest moment in my life.

She held me close. Kept me safe. Brought me comfort. She let me hang onto her as long as I needed it. I had to force myself to stay awake so I could enjoy it for longer.

What a fucking joke.

Because I was too damn tired. I acted like a total child making that bitch stay the night. And stay in my bed. With me. Close.

So fucking close.

I recognize this block. It's the first time I saw her. About six years ago.

She was offering help to a demon child who had a broken wing. It caught my attention.

Then when her popularity raised and she became an overlord, I knew I had to make my way into her life..

I watched from a bar across the street. I was so drunk that night.

I remember doing everything in my power to keep tabs on her.

She was like a fire in the middle of a cold night during winter.

How could anybody not want to be close...

I come across her headquarters door. This part of Hell was quiet.
But to be fair, it was just storming, no one wanted to be out.

When I opened the door it was dark.


No, actually dead-

My eyes widened as corpses layed all over the floor. The used to be white tiles now stained the color of death's tears.

But right in front of me.

There Y/n layed.

Drenched in her own blood.

Reaching out for a smashed phone.


Imma miss Aspen-
This felt kinda short so sorryyyy
1154 words!

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