Chapter 34

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He nodded. I took him in my hands.

"I've missed you so much, my sweetheart! I'm so silly; I should have guessed earlier. Only you could smell so good. What are you doing as a crow?"

Despondent, he lowered his head.

"I did exactly as you asked me to, but I was born as a boy. In the meantime, I was transformed into a crow."

"What? How come?"

He started sobbing, and his tears smelt of orange liqueur.

"I was born in a village called Bosk. It's an hour from Moscow. I lived a quiet life with my parents until one day they were killed by the Pretty Dark Prince. That's how I call him because he is very handsome and demonic. He kills parents who have only one child, specifically a teenage boy. Then he transforms the boys into crows."

What a bastard, I thought, eager to meet him.
"Is he more handsome than me?"
"No!" answered Rudy, looking at me with admiration.
"Who are those skeletons? Why are they keeping me imprisoned?"

"I don't know. I discovered this place only yesterday. Since my transformation, I've lived in a forest a few kilometers behind the Prince's house with some other crows. I was waiting for you to come and save me. I found you last night, thanks to your smell of vetiver."

"I smell of vetiver? Really?" "Yes, you always have."

Wow! We never stop learning.

"Do you know who made a mess in the room I spent hours cleaning?"

"The skeletons! Last night I saw them dancing and partying." "What?! They have a ball and I have to clean their mess?!" "It's a bit like this, yes."
"The Prince, where does he live?"

"Over there." He pointed at the window with his wing. I saw a beautiful house far away. It was built entirely from marble. A true wonder! I so wanted to take a look at it!

"What should I do to make you return to your human form?"

"You should kill the prince."

Lying down on the bed with Rudy against my chest, I was thinking. With my yogic powers, I could fight him with no problem. The skeletons needed my services between 8 pm and midnight, so I had lots of time to act.

I took Rudy in my hands and kissed him all over. He was full of delicious odors. His beak smelled of lychees; his armpits smelled of butter, and his belly smelled warm milk. I put him between my breasts, and we fell asleep peacefully.

In the morning, I was ready for the mission. Rudy brought me a silver-colored dress to wear. I put it on; it suited me perfectly. My breasts and my buttocks were highlighted. Not even a saint would be able to resist taking me!

I left Rudy in my room, and I made myself invisible. This was my first use of yogic powers in this life. I appeared in front of the house. A huge floral garden surrounded it. I went inside and wandered around. The house was very clean. The ceilings were painted kiwi green, and the walls were painted yellow. The living room and the kitchen were spacious and bright.

In the hall, there were stairways leading up and down. I went upstairs. There were two rooms. One was locked, so I went in the one that was open. Wow! There was a hot water fountain next to a big Japanese futon that was releasing a rose aroma in the whole room. I felt a little tipsy.

A big sliding window gave access to a big terrace which offered a stunning view of the garden. I entered the terrace to admire the view. That's when I saw him. It was love at first sight! He was wandering through the rose bushes smelling the flowers and choosing the ones to cut.

With a bunch of them in his hand, he climbed the stairs of the terrace and walked past me. He entered the room through the sliding window. He put the flowers in a vase and threw himself on the bed. He was wearing a black silk shirt which was unbuttoned, showing his superb figure, and black trousers.

A magnetic eroticism that emanated from him made my body tremble with desire. I had butterflies in my stomach. Sensual thoughts were exploding in my head, and my cheeks turned pink. I wanted to undress him and taste him from head to toe.

For once, I could fantasize about a man without worrying about being considered an abomination. I was disappointed when he got up.

Let me describe him to you, and you will understand why I fell in love. He was more than 180 centimeters tall and had an athletic body, tanned skin, big gray eyes, and a sexy mouth. His long raven-black hair was sublime.

He went downstairs to the basement and entered a big room illuminated by numerous lamps. I followed him. On one side, there were beautiful sculptures of naked women, and on the other side, there was an unfinished portrait of a woman.

Charmed, I walked towards the sculptures. Each statue represented a woman with curly hair in a state of ecstasy. My heart was beating fast; I wondered if I would ever know that kind of pleasure.

An unfinished bust grabbed my attention. I looked at it attentively, and to my surprise, I realized it resembled me. We had the same facial features and the same curly hair. In shock, I looked at each sculpture's face more closely and was convinced that it was me in all of them.

I went towards the portrait. The Prince was painting it with surprising dexterity. I sat down and watched him. Within a few hours, the portrait was finished. It showed me in a light transparent dress, standing proudly with a hand on my hip. However, my skin color was painted white. Confusion and astonishment overwhelmed me. We had never met before, and yet, he painted me with perfect precision.

He stepped back. "Where are you, dear? Come to me soon," he said, and blew a kiss towards the painting before leaving the room.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower. Of course, I wouldn't miss the show! I followed him and admired his sublime body.

Putting on velvet black clothes and throwing a red cape about his shoulders, he left the house through the back door. He walked through an alley of roses leading to a big bush hiding a black flying saucer. He got in it; I did too. We hurtled off. 


Author Note

In this chapter, Deeva reunites with Rudy, who reveals his tragic transformation into a crow by the Pretty Dark Prince. Deeva learns her mission: to kill the prince to restore Rudy. With determination and newfound powers, Deeva embarks on her quest, encountering love and intrigue. Now, do you believe Deeva can succeed in her mission? Join her as she faces her ultimate challenge.

 Now, do you believe Deeva can succeed in her mission? Join her as she faces her ultimate challenge

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The Four Lives of Robinson ApplesonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora