Chapter 9

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9 pm: I parked in front of the gate and we got out of the car. We put our forehead torches on. While I was holding the video camera, Cordelia put her backpack on and took a baseball bat with her. We were ready for the adventure. We climbed over the gate. It was easy for me but a little complicated for her. She had stuffed her breasts and bum so much that she was losing her balance with each step. A real catastrophe!

As soon as we walked a little further from the gate, we heard a dog bark ferociously. I was used to it, but Cordelia was pretty scared. She glanced around, looking for the dog that seemed to bark on her side, but she couldn't see it. I felt sorry for her and moved closer to embrace her. The barking stopped.

"What was that?" asked Cordelia. She held the bat firmly in her hands, ready to hit.

"A ghost dog! It's gone. Let's go." I told her nonchalantly, trying to ease her fear over her first ghost experience.

I took a few steps and I realized that I was alone. I turned around and saw Cordelia standing focused. A ball was floating in front of her. I thought that my loved one was playing games, but I didn't smell any of her fragrances. To my surprise, Cordelia aimed well and hit hard. The ball disappeared into thin air. I immortalized this with my video camera. I was proud of her. After this, I gave her the video camera and took the baseball bat from her.

We arrived close to the balustrade. I climbed it. I had left the baseball bat on the grass. Cordelia placed the video camera in between her breasts and climbed behind me. I put her arms around my waist with difficulty because of her fake breasts. I was looking out for her. If she was going to lose her balance and fall, I was mentally prepared to follow her. I knew that my loved one would save us.

We walked carefully until we reached a narrow wall. The entry to the basement was on our left. Cordelia gave me her backpack. I took out six lightsticks, cracked them, and threw them into the dark. Their brightness lit the entrance door. I took out a rope and rolled it around on a huge nail that was on the wall. I went down first and then helped Cordelia.

A shining light like the rays of the sun was coming out from the entrance door.

"Wow! Do you see that beautiful light?"

"What light? Where?" She retorted by holding on to my arm tightly with fear.

What a pity she could not see what I was seeing.

"Never mind. Calm down, I'm with you."

With a lot of tenderness, I caressed her cheek. She relaxed. We came closer to the wooden entrance door, which was big and wide. The lovely aroma of sandalwood emanated from it. I pushed it and it opened without much difficulty. The warnings of my loved one came back to me: 'Whoever crosses the gate will become blind, deaf, and dumb.' It was too late to turn back. If there is a problem, I will deal with it. She had said 'gate' and not the entrance door of the castle's basement.

"Hold on to me tightly, Cordelia!"

She did so with all her strength. She may as well have removed her feet from the ground as she was literally suspended on my arm. Ah, women! We offer our arms and you jump on our heads!

Holding our breath, we entered the basement and I discovered a wonderful room where the furniture was sparkling with gold and precious stones. It was this room that I saw in my visions. Enchanted, I took a few steps.

"Wow! What a marvelous place! It's as if we are inside a treasure chest."

"You're freaking me out, Norman! The place is dusty and dark. We should leave now!" said Cordelia, pulling at my arm.

At that moment, her delicious gingerbread smell spread all around me and electrified my senses. I fell on my knees and started to salivate. My stomach was growling loudly as if it hadn't been fed for weeks.

"What's wrong with you?"

She stood in front of me looking worried. A wicked thought crossed my mind and terrified me. I moved back to keep a distance from Cordelia and ordered her to leave quickly. I didn't need to say it twice. She ran away.

I lay down on the ground and focused on my breathing. The feeling of hunger slowly disappeared. I got up and paced through the room. With each step I took, beautiful exotic flowers would blossom on the walls to enchant me with their fragrance. My eyes became hotter and hotter. There was a big mirror. I approached it and froze. I was good-looking as usual, but my eyes were red and inside them, the flames were crackling.

Perplexed, I turned around when a beautiful portrait caught my attention. I came closer, fascinated. It was of a magnificent and tall red-haired young man standing with his right hand on his waist. He was wearing the long golden robe that I saw in my visions. On his right ear lobe, he had a gold earring that represented a phoenix. A necklace made of precious stones ornamented his neck. On each of his fingers, he had a diamond ring. There was an expression of superiority on his face, as if he meant to say ʻyou can kiss my ass!ʼ

The tramp was right. With such a presence, this ʻdandyʼ would have seduced a lot of girls. Suddenly, his clothes shined with a golden light that dazzled me. I stepped back, hiding my eyes. Then when I looked back, the dazzle disappeared but the dress was still shining. It was moving like it was real. I wished to try it on. A golden light drew my attention to the bed. I went closer and recognized the dress from the portrait. I took a peek at the painting. Dandy was still wearing his dress.

Naturally, I got rid of my clothes and put on the dress. When the fabric touched my skin, my eyes closed to the present moment, and gave me a glimpse of my past life. I knew who I was: Robinson Appleson, The Prince of Porcyland. 


The story will take a new turn so be ready !

The story will take a new turn so be ready !

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