Chapter 29

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Inson, The Second Reincarnation

"True passions give strength by giving courage." Voltaire 

When my mother expelled me from her womb, I slid onto a warm bed made of ostrich feathers. A soft tongue started licking my face and my body. It was my father's. I opened my eyes and happily witnessed my parents' amazement at my adorable little face—"Wow!"

"Our baby is wonderful. He is big. Surprisingly, he looks like my mother!" said my father to my mum who nodded in agreement.

What are you?

A jaguar!

It is one of the most impressive felines in the world, an indomitable animal and a dreadful predator that lives in the Amazonian jungle, but I was born in an African savannah, though.

Hungry, I suckled to my heart's content, and once complete, I nodded off. Several hours passed. I woke up and saw my parents examining me so intensely that I thought a horn grew in the middle of my face during my nap.

"When he grows up, he will be bigger and stronger than all the animals in Africa!" declared my father with a hint of pride in his voice.

"I'm scared!" said my mum, shedding tears that joined the black tear-like streaks on her face.

"Don't worry! I will protect both of you," said my father, cuddling my mother and kissing me on the head.

Before I continue, let me introduce my parents to you. My father is Boobal. He's a ferocious leopard who kills his prey with just one bite. My mother's name is Mona. She's a magnificent cheetah with never-ending legs that make her a fast runner.

My name is Inson, and I'm their only child, a cute one at that. I inherited green eyes and a vivid yellow fur covered with round spots in the shape of roses, after my paternal grandmother, a jaguar. Her name was Berta, and she was born in the Amazonian jungle.

A wealthy businessman settled in Africa and bought her at a high price during his trip to South America. His dream was to have a jaguar as a pet. As she was indomitable, he abandoned her in the African savannah along with other big cats. She made her life with a leopard; that's how my father was born. Unfortunately, she was killed by a hunter for her beautiful fur.

Me, Inson, I am a rare pearl and a 'persona non grata'.


Firstly, I'm a mix of three types of felines: jaguar, leopard, and cheetah. It's something extraordinary. Secondly, I resemble my grandmother, making me an intruder in the African savannah.

The jaguar is the most ferocious feline on Earth. He spreads fear everywhere, and all the animals submit to him and consider him the king. And that's something the lions would not tolerate. To be honest, I think the lions don't deserve the title of the king of animals.


There are four reasons. First, they sleep all day. It's called laziness. Second, they are dirty. They love to roll in the mud.

Third, they let the flies settle on their faces and lay their eggs. Burk! Fourth, they don't have any pride, as they depend entirely on females to be fed.

Anyway! I was lying in between my parents when I overheard their intimate conversation. My father desired my mother very much, but she insisted that he wait until sunset. When the night came, my parents left me with a friend, a falcon, to babysit me. When they came back an hour later, they were both in a happy mood.

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