Chapter 13

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Since my victories, Oscar no longer treated me as a disciple, but as an equal. We would fight like two warriors, side-by-side, against each other, jumping high, leaping far, colliding, and testing our strengths to their limits. During these fantastic moments, we felt like our body and mind were connecting together. We were not two anymore, but one spirit moving in the air.

The final lesson took place on a delightfully sunny day, and it was on the art of seduction. Oscar made sure we basked in the beauty of the day before we began our lessons. We rode our horses across the mountains, admiring the natural landscape. Then we bathed in waterfalls before stretching ourselves out on the grass. Beams of sunlight were caressing our skin. My pale skin glowed, whereas his' looked dry. It seemed as if the blood no longer circulated under his skin. I was looking so closely at his skin that he pushed me back gently. I blushed.

"How old were you when you had sex for the first time?" I wanted the Earth to open up and swallow me whole. "Um ... I was twelve."

"Did you like it?"

"Not really."

"How old was the girl?"
"She was thrice my age. And she was completely drunk."

I lowered my head in embarrassment. He raised my chin, stared into my eyes and burst out laughing! I melted at the sight of his wonderful face.

"How was it with the boys?"

On hearing that, I wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury myself alive.

"It was incredible!" I pretended to look at the sky, while I saw nothing, the sun dazzled me.

"What do you like in men and women?"

"In women, I like their breasts, and in men, I like their firm buttocks." My cheeks flushed brightly!

"Don't be ashamed. I am not here to judge you, but to guide you." He thought for a while. "Sooner or later, you will have to get married, you know that, right?"

"Yes. My parents have already talked with me about it, but I would always escape the conversation."

"I suppose you are scared." He could read my mind. "Yes."

"What scares you?"

"I really don't know. Once, I saw a couple in the woods in a passionate embrace. It was refreshing and beautiful to witness such intimacy. Can we enjoy life, just making love, without having to get married?"

Oscar laughed. "That's the dream of many men. Unfortunately, when we live in a society, we have to conform to its norms. And as you are the heir to the throne, you have to get married to carry on your bloodline. Keep in mind that mutual respect and good communication are the key to a successful marriage."

"Can I marry a woman who isn't a cannibal?"

"Yes, you could!"
"Why did my father and grandfather not marry normal women?" He was taken aback at my question.

"Your father and your grandfather chose to marry their respective cousins because no other man would have. The cannibal women frighten regular men. And you mustn't forget that the royal family was cursed due to your grandfather. So it's normal that he and his son would marry their own kind."

"The legend is true, then?"

"It's neither a legend nor a myth, it is the truth. Your grandfather Harding refused to marry Princess Drouchka. Fuelled by anger and bitterness, she cursed our family."

He paused, and his face became sad.

"Why did he refuse to marry her? Wasn't she beautiful?"

"Have a little patience. I'm getting there," he said, settling down comfortably. I was all ears. "Princess Drouchka is known for her beauty throughout all of Europe. She's a woman with a pure heart but was of a devilish character if you ever crossed her. Her father was Prince Dragos of Romania, the close friend of your great-grandfather. Leaving his older brother to govern the country, Dragos settled down in Kandybirgh with his family. A few days later, people began to go missing in the neighborhood. A servant who worked for them escaped and spread the rumors that Princess Drouchka and her parents ate human beings, but nobody believed him!

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