Chapter 28

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I left and went to my room. I looked through the window. Gwendolyn was sitting on the balustrade. I made myself invisible and appeared next to her. I tried to touch her, but she moved away.

"I forbid you to touch me!"

"Do remember what Mimi the fairy told about us. We are meant for each other! You belong to me."

"That era has finished! I don't want you to touch me ever again!"

"Why? Have you met someone else? Does he kiss you better than I do?"

"You're ridiculous! My private life is none of your business!"

I clenched my fists. "You are mine forever."

She stayed silent floating with crossed arms. Then something drew her attention to the gate. I followed her look. A teenager on a bike was looking through the gate. A strong smell of night- scented flowers emanated from Gwendolyn.

"Not in your wildest dreams! Forget about it!" "I'm not taking orders from you!"
"I won't let you hurt him, my little lollipop."

She immediately became three meters taller. I grew even taller than her. Her face became pale. I needed a few seconds to understand.

"I'm not a ghost! I'm using my yogic powers."

Relieved, she floated towards the gate. I floated after her. She managed to spread her fragrance on the teenager and opened the gate. I was seething with anger wondering what the boys were doing there. Didn't they know that a ghost was at large?

The idiot dropped his bike and followed Gwendolyn. She had returned to her normal size by this time and was working her charms on the boy. I became normal as well and I stepped in between them. I asked the boy to leave. Gwendolyn pushed me violently. I landed on the grass. The poor boy was standing on the balustrade, ready to jump. I went mad. I became invisible and grabbed him by his waist. I took him to the city center and got back. She was waiting for me, furious.

"You're crossing the line, Robinson! I never stopped you from eating girls! Why are you interfering in things that are none of your business?"

"Excuse me? Your magic tricks while I was dealing with my girlfriends, what was that? Because of you, Allyson didn't get punished and Margaret ran away."

She stayed quiet for a while.

"From now on, I will mind my own business! You are free to slap whoever you want!"

"You can count on me that I won't let you kill the boys."

She responded to my jibe by petulantly sticking her tongue out, after which she disappeared.

A few days passed. One beautiful morning, I decided to go out for a walk by the waterfalls. I sat on a rock and closed my eyes. Little-by-little, I let the sound of the water invade my mind so I couldn't hear my thoughts anymore. Then I concentrated on my breathing, and the noise of water disappeared.

I was sitting like this for a while. The silence gifted me a solution to what was bothering me. I stood up and went home. I took a shower, put on a shirt and trousers, and then I appeared on the balustrade. I looked around, Gwendolyn wasn't there. I closed my eyes and jumped.

A pair of arms caught me and took me up. My plan had worked! I could hardly stand on my legs when Gwendolyn slapped me with all her strength. As she froze my feet in time, I didn't lose my balance.

"Are you out of your mind?" she yelled.

"Yes! The girl I love like a fool doesn't love me anymore! So what's the point of living?"

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