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Arohi reached Kabir's office and went straight to Kabir's cabin.She was praying that she can leave his office fast.
Arohi:"God!!please, don't make me stay there for too long. I will just ask him my red box and return this blue box to him. That's it. Everything must go on smoothly. It's my helplessness to come here or else who will come to see this khadoos(bad-tempered man)"
When she entered his cabin, it was empty. She looked around but he was not seen anywhere.
Arohi:"Aru, he is not here. Thank God!!Oh no... It means I need to wait for him to come or else Sweety will leave her in-laws and come to Mumbai just to kill me.....How bad will it be to wait for that khadoos afterall? I can wait for a bit. "
Arohi was fond of paintings. Kabir's cabin was full of aesthetic paintings.So, she take a look at his paintings. From the paintings, she understood that Kabir loves paintings. There were different kinds of paintings in his cabin but each one of it is better than the other. Arohi was looking around when Kabir entered his cabin through secret door. There was a secret door in his cabin to go out for his illegal business so that no one can realize the truth that the famous buisness tycoon, the king of buisness world is really the Lucifer of underworld. When he entered his cabin, he saw Arohi there. He didn't expect anyone in his office.Arohi was busy observing his paintings. When she looked around for another painting, she saw Kabir standing infront of her. She was surprised,well shocked actually to see him there because till now, she was standing near the entry door and looking at a beautiful painting then how can a person enter without her noticing.
Arohi:"You?? How did you come here? "
Kabir:"Well this is my office"
Arohi:"That's not what I meant. How did you enter here ? When I came here, you were not here and I was standing near this door. I didn't see you entering. How did you come inside? "
Kabir:"Mm.. Hm. You didn't see me because you were lost in these beautiful paintings"
Kabir thinks 'please agree with me... I don't know what she did when i was not here... But this lie should work out... Or else she will start to shout at me again... What?? Kabir... You are scared of a girl... No... Why should i give explanation to her? "
Arohi:"Maybe you're right. These paintings are really beautiful. Who will not lose themselves in these beautiful paintings?I came to give you this"
Arohi gave him the blue gift box. Kabir:"It's alright. You should not have taken this trouble. 'Thank you gift' for me, It's not necessary. I just helped you in sake of humanity. "
Arohi:"Thank you gift???Wait a minute, Mr. Mount Everest, it's your misunderstanding? "
Kabir:"Don't you dare to call me Mount Everest again, you shorty"
Arohi:"I will call you a hundred times. What will you do Mr. Khadoos? "
Kabir:"Khadoos??? Now what's with the new name?I had heard a lot, now please keep your mouth shut, blabbermouth"
Arohi:"I am talking too much?? It's you who have started,Mr. Mount Everest. "
Kabir:"YOU?? "
Arohi:"YOU?? "
They were pointing their fingers to each other and standing really close. At that time, Vikram entered the cabin to tell Kabir about tomorrow's meeting. He saw them fighting and thinks 'Sweety was right. Someone with his attitude, courageous, bold and strong woman will only match with him and Arohi is perfect match for Kabir Sir. She will transform Kabir Sir into a new person. She will fill happiness in his life. I must tell Sweety about these things. She will be their cupid. '
Vikram looked at them and cleared his throat. Both of them looked at Vikram and distanced themselves.
Kabir:"Vikram, what happened? "
Vikram:"I came to tell you about tomorrow's meetings"
Kabir:"Can you wait outside for a minute? I need to sort some things with this girl"
Vikram nodded and went outside.
Arohi:"Oyy Mister!!I am not interested in talking to you. I just came to give you this blue gift box which was sent by Sweety. Actually she misplaced our gifts. My red gift box is with you, I will leave this place once you give what belongs to me"
Kabir went to his table and opened the drawer. He took that red box and gave to Arohi.
Kabir:"Here's your box. Now leave!!I won't tolerate your face even for a second"
Arohi gave blue box to him and said:"The feeling is mutual. I am not interested to see your face either!"
She flipped her hair back and leaves from there. Kabir runs his hands through his hair and says 'This girl is getting on my nerves.Her attitude, her stubbornness... "
Vikram enters his cabin and said:"It's just like you"
Kabir:"What? "
Vikram:"Yes Kabir Sir. She is just like you. If you are fire then she is firecracker. If you are ice then she is water. Match for match. Just like grandma wanted"
Kabir:"Whatt?? Oh no... Oh no... I forget to call granny after I landed in Mumbai. She's going to do tandav on my body now. I must do something. Let's go home!"
Kabir and Vikram leaves for Kabir's house. On the other hand, Arohi reached her home. Her mom was busy in kitchen making ladoo and her two sisters were packing them. Her family has a sweet shop business. Arohi hugged her mom:"Mom!!how are you? "
Mom:"My darling, I am fine. How was Sweety's wedding? "
Arohi:"It was great. "
Mom:"When will you marry? Your bestfriend had married a suitable man. Why are you lagging your wedding? "
Tanya:"Arohi di, if you are marrying then marry someone who is dashing and handsome, who is super rich and a daredevil. The whole world should shiver while hearing his name. "
While Tanya was describing a suitor for Arohi, she began to think about her moments with Kabir.
Priyanka:"Shut up Tanya!!!daredevils or badboys, they are good to hear or read in your novels but in real life, they aren't good enough to protect their ladylove. Arohi di, just marry someone you love and can make you happy "
Arohi was still thinking about Kabir. She was smiling and seeing her smile, Tanya said:"Priyu di,our Arohi di had already fallen in love with a daredevil "
Arohi looked at them and said:"What are you guys gossiping? I had heard a lot. Now finish your works and go to sleep"
Mom:"Aru, did you find a new job? "
Arohi:"No mom. "
Mom:"What about that interview which you gave a week earlier? "
Arohi:"No mom, It didn't work out. "
Mom:"Now, how will we arrange money for paying our loans. "
Arohi:"You guys concentrate on our sweet shop. I will find someway to close the loans.You guys don't worry"

Kabir and Vikram reached Kabir's house.His grandmother was sitting on the couch. When she saw Kabir, she stood from the couch and pinched his ears:"You maybe famous buisness tycoon but don't forget that I am your grandmother. God!!I am grandmother of this ungrateful grandson. Why did you make me his grandmother?? "
Kabir:"Granny, leave my ear. It's hurting"
Grandma:"Oh, it's hurting.. Liar!!Do you know how much i was hurt when i knew that my grandson didn't even bother to call me after reaching Mumbai? You ungrateful child!!"
Kabir:"Girlfriend, I'm sorry. Don't be sad with me. You know I don't have no one except you. "
Grandma hugged him and said:"Boyfriend, your grandma will always be with you. When will you bring me a granddaughter? "
Kabir looks at her and asked:"Granddaughter?? "
Grandma:"Look, I have become old. I won't be with you for long. Before I die, I want to meet my granddaughter and play with my great-grandchild. "
Kabir:"Granny, please don't talk about marriage"
Grandma:"So you don't love me. You don't want me to be happy"
Grandma pretended to shed some tears. Kabir hugged her and said:"Fine girlfriend, I will marry. Now, stop your melodrama, my drama queen "
Kabir went to his room. Grandma turned to Vikram:"You are with him 24/7.Did my Kappu find his dream girl? Is there someone in his life? "
Vikram:"Granny, there is someone. "
Grandma:"Who?? "
Vikram:"Ms. Arohi Sharma. They are both like salt and sugar, fire and water. They are two different people but their compatibility is higher than we think"

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