Chapter 19

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Monday started off not so badly. In English we just did exercises and math was a new topic that surprisingly I understood quickly. Now at lunch break me and my friends with Hunter are eating and chatting a bit. We were discuss the new author we had to read the book of. Not going to lie I didn't really read the novel but I will try to somehow pass by.

"Did we have anything for Spanish?" Carla questioned.

"Yeah, exercises from the book." I answered.

She quickly took out her book and notebook and did the needed homework quickly, I couldn't relate to that. Soon the break was going to be over. Hunter took my hand in his and we both walked to the chemistry classroom. Sat down and waited for the bell to ring.

The lesson began and the teacher started the lesson. A new topic and a hard one. I was not liking it as it just the topic I am not interested at all. I helped Hunter with the exercises we had to do. The next class happen to be literature. I sat down near my friends. The lesson was not bad, thankfully the teacher did not question me about the book we had to read. I triumphed inside my head. When we slowly began to analyze the content of the book.

Last class of the day was Spanish. Of course why not the worst one to be the last one and on a Monday. We checked the homework, thankfully I wasn't asked to give the answers, though I did them all correctly which was nice to know. Sometime in the middle of the lesson I got a paper message passed to me, it was from Hunter asking me on a date, I write down the answer of a yes, then send it back to him. He smiled when he read it. I like seeing him smile.

The bell rang and I got home. The date was going to be on Friday after school. I cannot wait for it. I cooked myself lunch. Chicken, spaghetti and some vegetables. I was really lazy to do it but since there wasn't anything else to eat I didn't have much of a choice but to make something. I mean I made quite a lot, so once my mom is back from work she doesn't have to worry about a meal even just for herself.

Then I did my homework. Sadly I do have Spanish tomorrow as well, so translator it was. Thankfully it wasn't much. Which rather surprised me a bit. This teacher isn't known for giving barely any homework like ever. Unless I don't know something, hopefully that isn't the case here. Once I was done with it all I hopped on my bed and laid there while scrolling social media on my phone.

The other days went by until Friday came. Waking up in the morning was easy, likely the excitement for the date really settled in. I still am having similar emotions that I had on the first one. I drove to school for the the first lesson even though I don't have one. I wanted to do some homework in the coffee shop. That was what I did.

There were barely any people there which I liked. Though I couldn't stay long there and had to go to school for my first class which was math. We had a test to write, it wasn't hard, some would say it was but not me. Lunch break came. Zoe was sick and wasn't in school for two days now. I hope she gets better soon. Probably caught a cold and that is all. Today I had to buy my lunch. The table was slightly off today. I guess whenever one of us isn't there for whatever reason, it just isn't the same, more quiet I would say. It's like one of us died or something.

No one talked so it was quicker to finish the meal and before heading to class go to the restroom. When I was in a stall I overheard some girls talk between one another.

"Hunter doesn't deserve to be with Noelle. He is trouble. He has been different ever since they announced to having a relationship, maybe even before. I hope no fight breaks out from now on, but you never know. Some are angry for them being together. I think so."

"You heard all of this or just your opinion?" Another girl asked.

"I heard it all and I have my own opinion. He isn't good for no one. Even with good looks, he was once a troublemaker, he will still be considered one."

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