Chapter 6

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It is a Wednesday morning, I jus arrived to school. My first lesson is art and I am very excited for it. I had already did the painting we had to do and I was even more frilled to do it since it required some clothing designing, well more like historical but clothes nonetheless. The teacher liked the drawing and gave me the highest possible grade, lovely. I basically did nothing for most of the lesson. Then it was English. We had a test, boring but I think I did good, it wasn't that hard. Lunch break came. I sat down with my friends and we all chatted while enjoying our food.

"Do we have homework for literature?" Luke asked.

"You know it is due tomorrow?" Carla said.

"I do, just not that the homework is." Zoe was the one to tell him, I even forgot we had homework for literature tomorrow. A good reminder. I stayed mostly silent, they chatted, I listened. Carla noticed.

"Are you alright?" She whispered to me.

"Yeah. Just not feeling like talking much today I guess." She liked the answer since she left me alone afterwards. I remembered that even if I really wanted to just go home and sleep, I had to go to Hunter's place to do the stupid chemistry project. I could cancel it but I won't. He has more lesson today than I do, so I'll visit the cafe nearby and get myself a coffee and wait for him to finish, unless he decides to ditch them and just go with me once I am done, I doubt he will do that since I didn't tell him when I am finished, we just agreed on time, his time.

Lunch break was over, well almost, I needed time to get into my PE clothes. Thankfully it was a chiller lesson than usually. We had to run a few laps and then take out the yoga mats and do some exercises. Then just return to the locker room to change back into the uniform. The two lessons in a row became a lesson and a bit of the second one. Hunter texted me that he will have one more lesson, enough time for me to at least get the coffee. I walked out of the school and waited in a small line, got my coffee and returned to the school. I would more prefer to wait outside but since it is snowy and cold, I will not. Sat down and while sipping my coffee and waiting for the time to go by, I scrolled social media.

After some time the bell rang and I walked out of the school, waited for him to show up, I almost ended up texting him about that and a car pulled up near me, the window rolled down and I saw none often than Hunter smiling at me.

"Jump in, princess."

I got in the passenger's seat. We drove for like good twenty minutes because of traffic. Then we finally made it to his place. It looked really nice not going to lie.

"Nice place."


We got to his room. I was in awe then I saw it. Definitely not that I had pictured in mind. It was very simple and neat. Its like the room doesn't match him at all, maybe it is that because I barley know the actual Hunter Quinn and not the one I see in school.

"You seem amazed." He commented.

"I am. It doesn't match you."

"Well my parents wanted that all rooms would match, so mine should too."

"That sounds sad, don't you think?"

"A little but I am used to this by now."

He pulled up another chair for me to sit by his desk. We made a plan and then got tot he kitchen where he already had the ingredients needed for the project, I paid up for that, he almost didn't take it. While doing the steps and finally seeing reactions, one of us would write down some notes on that, that were agreed upon on how to phrase them. I thought I would have had to do this all by myself and just give him some credit and lie, but I don't have to.

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