Chapter 3

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Monday morning had come around. I managed to roll out off bed and get ready. I putted on the uniform, the jewellery, putted on makeup and styled my hair, some curls, nothing special. Walked tot he kitchen to eat breakfast and then get my backpack and get in the car. My parents have someone drive me to school everyday. Its better than me driving myself apparently. I save up on gas I guess. The ride was silent, well almost. The driver did ask me how I was doing and I reasked him the same question fear answering it. Once the car stopped at the school's parking lot, I got off and walked inside the school. I waited for my fired say the lockers. We happen to have our lockers fairly nearby each other's. Luke was already there. He is the one that tends to get to school the earliest. Carla likes to be late and Zoe and I often come around the same time. Shortly after I did see Zoe run up to us.

We started to walk to our first classes of the day, mine was English. The teacher loves and I love her. I am pretty good at the grammar and such, so my grades are very good in this class. I found my seat and waited for the bell to ring. The teacher talked about some grammar things. Gave us a paper to do. It wasn't hard but apparently some students were struggling. Then the lesson was over and I walked to math. A class I am not that good at but still somehow manage to get very good grades in. I have to do good in school, I must keep it up, I am cable of that so it isn't that hard. We had to do a task that was going to be graded, I think I did good.

Lunch break had started. Me and my friends have our own table that is always free for us to sit at. Like always there are others students, who are popular that would just casually sit at our table, we don't say anything about that but it does bother us sometimes. We cannot talk about certain things in front of them. I didn't stay long after finishing eating, I walked to the restroom to touch up my makeup and just to pee in general. Then got to my class which happen to be chemistry. By now you might think that I am good at almost every class and you would be correct, except for Spanish, I struggle with it but my grades aren't the worst somehow. The chemistry teacher is the most evil one out of all the teachers I have. He made us sit how he arranged. Thankfully my seat mate wasn't that bad. The bell rang and the teacher began his lesson.

"Today I am going to assign you a project teams of two." He firstly explained the project in general. It sounded not that hard. It is a colorful cabbage juice science experiment and acid base experiment with cabbage, something like that.

Suddenly someone marched into the classroom.

"Mr. Quinn, late as always." The teacher commented. Hunter Quinn is our school's popular guy, gets in trouble a lot and struggles with grades. I don't get it why everyone likes him anyway. He sat down in his seat, thankfully he sat one row further away from me. The teacher began to assign the teams. Soon I heard my name being called.

"Noelle Bryant and Hunter Quinn." I couldn't believe it. Why?

"Excuse me, sir. Maybe there is a mistake here?"

"No there isn't. Miss Bryant, you are one of my best student in this class and it happens that Mr. Quinn is struggling. So you are to help him, I am counting on you."

My seat besides me was empty, so Hunter walked and sat down in that seat.

"Hello, Princess. It seems we will have to work together." He spoke first.

"Stop calling me that. I might consider to actually punch you in the face this time."

"Oh, feisty I see. You wouldn't want to ruin your perfect student's reputations wouldn't you?"

He had this stupid smirk on his face that I always hated so much. How can he be ok with everything? I don't get it.

"Well, at least just don't make it harder for me. I will do the thing and just put your name and you get a good few grades out of it."

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