Chapter 16

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I woke up naturally early for some reason, couldn't fall asleep again. So I just laid in bed and scrolled social media on my phone, handful of times the phone dropped onto my face. Eventually I got up. I knew mom was aqua since I heard sounds coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning, darling,"

"Morning, mom."

I sat down and looked at what she was making. It was oats with berries on top. One of my favorite meals ever. I made coffee and tea. It was a good breakfast. And while enjoying me and mom talked about some plans. Next week weekend has a runway happening and I wanted to attend it, I likely will no longer be sick, so I would be able to attend it with my mom, I am dragging her with me. I already had an outfit picked out for months now.

Honestly I think that on Monday I will be able to attend school finally. I cannot wait to finally interact with Hunter as a couple and not be having to avoid each other because we took a break from one another. It was unnecessary to be honest. I am still sort of mad at myself for that situation. I shouldn't be beating myself over that but I can't help it.

After breakfast I went back to my room to watch some videos and try to recreate the sewing techniques. I lack in that and I am trying to improve it. May my drawing skills and imagination be good but my practical sewing skill, even with the machine aren't the best. I have a long way to go but I thin I could make it in the future in this field. This activity took me a couple hours with a few breaks in between. All those stitches and techniques turned out very good, some took me time to do it practically but eventually I made it work.

I treated myself with lunch for that much work I did for those few hours. Lunch was ordered and delivered to us which was nice and of course it tasted amazingly. Mom was working in her office most of the time that is why she ordered the food and not made it. She recently started to get a ton of work that must be even be worked on during the weekends, that is one reason why I wanted her to come with to watch the runway.

Afterwards I walked to my room and jumped on the bed, scrolled my phone a bit. Then switched to my laptop, still in bed and looked over the clothing stores online assortment. I was thinking of getting a few things but decided to wait and think about it before actually purchasing and wasting my money on things I don't need and won't even really ever wear.

It was hard not to press the buy button. So I decided to tex Hunter.

Noelle: Hey. How are you doing? How was school yesterday?

Hunter: Hi. I am good. It wasn't great. I wanted to punch a person but didn't.

Noelle: What did this person made you want to do it?

Hunter: Annoyed me and just was an idiot. Told me I wasn't worthy of you.

Noelle: That is nonsense and he might have been stupid but you did a good thing by not starting a fight over this.

Hunter: It was close, very close for me to start a fight with him.

Noelle: I am gad you are alright. Ignore him.

Hunter: I will try.

Noelle: Good.

He was out with his parents to eat lunch in a restaurant. I didn't text him more, not wanting to disturb his time with his family. Speaking go his family, my dad has contacted me recently and wanted me to meet his girlfriend. I am skeptical on that. I did answer that I will think about it and I did ask mom on what to do. Again her answer was that it is up to me. I hate this. I think it would be nice from my side to meet that woman but at the same time I wish to not exist and have to even think of doing something. I don't even know how particularly mad I am at dad even for is cheating. They haven't been that in love for a while, so it was about time someone will find comfort in another being.

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