Chapter 11

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I am getting ready since it is the New Years and I am going to a party. I was happy to hear that one of the students is again hosting one since the parents are going to be away. I am not going there to drink or smoke since I am not of age to do that, not that it is important to me, I prefer to have fun even without any substances in my system. I am going with all of my friends and I know that Hunter is going to be there too. The attention of our relationship had died down by now, so there shouldn't be much attention towards us tonight.

Since I am the one who is absolutely not planning on drinking, I am the designated driver. I am not mad about it, we have been doing that for a while. Although I believe Carla might be with me on the no doing zone. One thing that the party is know for is being crazy and almost anything can happen, especially since it is hosted by this particular person. That is why I am slightly worried. Am I the mom friend of our group? Likely. I was done. I walked towards the hallways to the front of our door. Said goodbye to my mom and putted on a coat and shoes on before heading to my car and driving to get my friends.

First it was Carla who I picked up since she also lived the closest to me. Then it was Luke and lastly Zoe.

"Why must you sit in the front?"

"I was first who got picked up." Carla sticked her tongue out playfully at Luke.

"Not fair."

"Stop being little kids."

"Ok... mom." Luke joked. I do wonder if I am the actual mom without being one. Carla and Luke like to joke around a lot, Zoe is the quiet one with me. We finally made it to the house. I parked the car a bit further away since I doubt there was space near the house. We all walked into the house. The music was heard even from the outside, I am slightly pitying the neighbors. Once inside we quickly separated. I found myself in the dancing side of the place. The music that was playing was good and I was able to dance along it well. I feel someone touch me by the waist.

"Don't touch me. I have a boyfriend."

"Relax, princess. Its just me."

I recongnized the voice and just that one word told me who it was. I looked over and it was in deed Hunter. We both smiled at each other and began to dance together. I was happy to spend the time on this particular holiday with my boyfriend. Never thought that would happen. Eventually I got tired and called in a break. I passed the kitchen, to get myself some water, was offered alcohol but refused it of course. Found myself outside, there were some people but of course since it was fairly cold there was nothing much to do other than talk and smoke. But it was surely a lot less noisy as it was inside.

Zoe happen to find me and sat down besides me. We talked a bit, I was able to tell she had a drink or two already. After some time we got inside. I was in a circle playing a game with some people, most of them are from our school since I was able to recognize some. It wasn't like spin the bottle kind of game where you had to kiss someone or truth or dare, it was more like we got a word that we without saying it, acting it out or somehow showing it, others had to guess the word. It honestly was fun to play it and it wasn't harming any relationships. I know that somewhere people are playing beerbong or even spin the bottle.

I played a few rounds before searching for a bathroom. Found an empty one and locked the door to do my business. Aferwards I got out and sat down in a corner. Scrolled through my phone. I am not the biggest fan of parties and eventually I get bored and would rather be at home. But since I came with friends and I am the driver, I don't have an option but to stay. Especially today, until midnight would be nice and to see the fireworks as well. Somehow I will make it.

I was on my phone for good ten minutes before walking out fo the place and trying to find Hunter or one of my friends. I actually had found Hunter and Luke both playing beerbong. I stood aside and looked over the game. Both were skilled but also had a drink or two already, so not that good. Soon all of us were summoned to go outside, of cruse some would stay inside. I found my friends and Hunter, we all gather outside and waited for the clock to ding the midnight and the firework show had begun even a bit before the time. This New Year is way better than it was last year for me. I am finishing the year pretty nicely.

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