Chapter 8

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The morning came. We waited for her to get home. We got a message that she will be back around midday. We all sat in the living room, yes both of my parents in one room, just sitting far from each other though, trying not to look at each other. A ding was what got me from thinking about my parents. I was the one to open the door. It was indeed my sister.


"Hi. Long time no see."

I noticed something or someone was behind her.

"Uhh.. that is my boyfriend." She finally revealed him. I welcomed them in. They removed their shoes and coats. I guided them to the living room. Left her boyfriend behind so that she could finally tell them. I am slightly afraid of their reactions, especially mom's.

"Its nice to see you, dear. How have things been?" Mother said.

"Great and I have news." I ushered the guy to come in.

"Mom, dad, I have a boyfriend, Sean."

Father was first to react, he extended his hand and Sean took shook it. Mom hugged my sister and her boyfriend afterwards, I can see a hint of sadness in her eyes. Finally we gathered in the kitchen to eat some food and talk about things. Mom and dad sat across each other, between them, me on one side and on the other my sister and her boyfriend. My parents mostly talked with Susan and Sean, I was left alone which I didn't mind since all I had to do was listen.

It was nice and all to hear my sister's life. I am slightly concerned that she is hyping up the expectations that high and I would have to put up with them and do the same, I am scared I will fail to do so. Why am I even thinking of this? I need to focus on the conversation dn for now not think about myself. That I can do when I am in bed.

We finished eating and migrated to the living room. I stayed on my phone and scrolled social media while the adults were talking. Again I wasn't much part of the conversation anyway, just occasionally I would get asked and I would answer, then they would move on as if they forgotten me in an instant. I didn't mind that. I was texting with Carla anyway about my sister's boyfriend. He seems like a nice guy. I got a message, it was form my sister.

Susan: What's up with mom and dad?

Noelle: I wish I truly know. But I think something bad happened, maybe even cheating. Don't know but lets say they don't like each other and avoid one another.

Susan: Ok. Lets hope it isn't bad. How long has it being going on for?

Noelle: Some time.

Susan: Right.

I found out that she was able to text me by pretending to be texting one of her friends. Smart, I will give her that. I wouldn't have thought of doing that myself. I guess I am not that smart. Stop it. You are doing it again. Distractions. I need to distract myself, so social media it was. Although it did not last long. The rest fo the day went by. My sister and her boyfriend had gone out to meet up with her friends, so she could introduce him to them. I was stuck at home with both of my parents. I didn't stick long in the living room, almost instantly after they left I gone back to my room.

A couple days had passed. My parents finally wanted to tell us something. So my sister made her boyfriend go around the town while we all sat down in the living room. Both parents sat on the couch on the opposite sides and me and Susan sat down on the armchairs. Silence was all there was for a minute. What's up with all the silence all the time?

"We are getting a divorce." Mom spoke first.


"The heck?"

The project that united usOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora