Chapter 18

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The next week went by quickly. Perhaps way too quickly though. I barely even did something and it is already Friday. I've been thinking of going to the cabin again, I will ask my friends if they would want to.

Noelle: Would any of you like to go to the cabin tomorrow and until Sunday likely?

Luke: I would.

Zoe: Me too.

Carla: Count me in.

Noelle: Perfect. So tomorrow and morning?

Luke: I think so.

Zoe: Sounds good.

Carla: Yes.

Noelle: Lovely.

I started to pack my things, so that I don't have to wake up super early to do it then. Mom came back, she order pizza, a cheat meal but I don't mind since there is quite some time until prom. Speaking of prom I of course still have yet to be asked but there is fairly plenty of time until then. Not like I am rushing, I hope Hunter is the one to ask me, if he would even want to go there in the first place, I am not going to be pushy about this.

The pizza was good and it helped me pack, I almost didn't want to do that. The energy was very needed. I think that I overthink the whole packing and it makes it harder than it actually is. Either way I finished up eventually. Then it was time to hop on my bed and scroll my phone.

School this week wasn't that bad, no test at least, the topics weren't bad, I don't want to talk about Spanish, I got a really bad grade, I will try to rewrite it next week. I hope to get at least a bit higher than I got now. It's like only one of the lessons I wish I would never have, but it isn't possible sadly. Mom never commented on the grade, she knew that it is hard for me in this particular class.

I got bored and decided that today I would take a shower and wash my hair. It was very relaxing to do that, I am glad for my choice. I stayed under the covers and watched an episode on my laptop. Then I went to sleep. Once I woke up in the morning I made my breakfast and then got dressed. I got a text message from Carla saying she was there, she was the one to drive us all.

"Hi... Hunter?"


"You coming with us?" I burrowed my eyebrows when I saw my boyfriend in the backseat with my friends already there.

"I am. Carla suggested that I could come too."

"This is a surprise for you." Carla smirked. I finally got in, I was sitting next to Hunter. The ride was fun honestly. Filled with chatting, laughing, loud music. Eventually we made it to the cabin. I didn't think that Hunter would ever join us, I doubt that he wanted to be here but because I would be here, he came with us.

We walked into the hallway. After removing our coats and shoes we entered the main living area of the cabin. Then took our things to the rooms. This time the sleeping arrangement was changed. The guys shared a room and thankfully the three of us were able to share one room ourselves.

Afterwards we gathered in the living room to discuss what to do. Board games, a movie, overall conversations about something. The first thing we did was play a board game. I found out that Hunter is very competitive. He won and then we moved onto another one, he didn't win that one, Zoe did. Later we all made ourselves lunch.

The food was done and we moved on to the living room and cozied up on the couch to watch the movie. It was a new release one. I laid on top of my boyfriend. My friends didn't mind. The movie itself was pretty good. Luke suggested that we should go on a hike, we all agreed to it. Got dressed and walked out of the warm cabin.

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