Chapter 30

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Haileys POV

We'd been in Miami for a couple of days and tonight was Date night. Justin was working out with his friends while Matt and Casey helped me get ready. "So what vibe are we going for tonight, Miami Mami or Sexy Siren" Matt asks while flipping through hangers. I think for a second, "Miami Mami" he nods.
"So Hails have you and Justin talked about what's going to happen after we graduate" Casey asks while curling my hair. "I know I'm going to New York and I know Justin has received offers from teams across the country, I can't imagine not trying even if we're 3000 miles apart." She tilts her head and says "Awww" after finishing off hair and makeup I make my way to the bathroom and change. Justin said he would get ready in Matt's, I walk out and both Casey and Matt smile widely. "What do we think" I ask them, "Dam Mami poor man isn't going to take his hands off of you" Matt says "Hails you look so hot" adds Casey.

I look in the mirror one last time and spritz on some perfume

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I look in the mirror one last time and spritz on some perfume. I hear a nock on the door and hear everyone greet each other before Matt and Casey leave. I step out of the bathroom and lock eyes with him, his body stiffens up as I walk towards him. "Hailey, Jesus Christ you're so beautiful" I blush "Im so lucky I get to have you in my arms, shall we" I wrap myself around him and make our way outside.
We step into the most romantic restaurant I've ever been too. It stood near the water and it being sunset gave it the most beautiful color way. We're taken to our table which stands private from the rest of the crowd. There where candles placed everywhere, white roses surrounded us. "Wow Justin, this is beautiful" he pulls my chair out for me. We sit across from each other holding hands on the table.

Justin's POV

I set down a pair of weights after doing a couple of reps. "So are you excited for tonight" Jordan asks me pulling me back down to earth. "Yeah, I have something really special planned for tonight." After our workout I get back to the hotel to get ready, in the shower my mind keeps running I really did have something special for tonight. From location to decor and everything in between, I wanted everything to be perfect. Once I step out I grab my phone and make a quick call "Hi Sandra, wanted to call and let you know I'll be doing it tonight." Haileys mom gasps on the other side of the line, "Try to get pictures sweetie, give me a call once you guys get back" I agree and hang up. I change into my suit looking in the mirror before making my way to our room.
       My breath is taken away when I lay eyes on her. "Hailey, Jesus Christ you're so beautiful" I pull my arms out and guide her out. Once we reach the restaurant I can see how in Awe she is making me smile. Our hands are held as we enjoy the sunset over the water, only separating when our food arrives, I can barely eat as excitement bellows in my stomach. As the waiter takes our plates away I grab my champagne glass, "I wanted to take a moment to appreciate how far we've come. We've grown together, faced challenges and celebrated triumphs. We'll soon be taking the next chapters in our lives, I wanted to let you know you mean everything to me" I look into her eyes as we clink glasses. I get up leaning down placing a sweet kiss on her lips. Before I go to sit down I look back at her and get down on one knee.
        With trembling hands, I reach into my pocket and pull out a velvet box opening it revealing a beautiful ring. It was a beautiful oval shape with a gold band, I wanted it to be unique just how I saw her. "Hailey, I love you more than words can express. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Even though we might have to move away from each other after graduation, I can't imagine a future without you in it. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
         Tears welled up in Haileys eyes as she looked at me. "Justin YES, a thousand times yes." She says with excitement, I slip the ring on her finger before quickly being hugged making me fall back she kisses me repeatedly and I embrace her in a warm hug. The car ride home she wrapped in my arms with a huge smile plastered on her face. We called her Mom before arriving, she screamed in excitement, soon after we inform my parents and they congratulate us my Mom excited to help her plan everything. 
       I planned an engagement celebration at the hotel bar, I told everyone this morning I'm so happy Casey and Matt were able to hide their excitement with Hailey. As we make our way across the lobby we're greeted with cheers. "Congratulations!" Is said in unisons, everyone moves in to give us hugs and ask to see the ring. "Wow Justin you did amazing" says Casey as she admires the ring that lays perfectly on Haileys finger. " Hailey smiles " I can't stop looking at it."
        The rest of the night we enjoy the company of each other and our friends who have been there with us throughout our relationship. Matt have a warm speech that even made me tear up good thing Jordan's lightened everything up asking Hailey if he could be maid of honor. Her and I danced and held each other close reveling in the love that we both had for each other.
        As everything comes to an end we make our way back up to our room. "Justin" Hailey asks as she takes off her jewelry in the mirror, I look her way letting her continue. "I want to keep this feeling of bliss going but I wanted to ask you something" I knew what she was going to ask before she could say anything " We don't have to get married right after graduating, if we end up in different cities I don't see a problem with having a long engagement. Look at it as a reassurance for our love and how I am going to spend the rest of my life with you." I finish and I see her worries disappear from her face. "I love you" she says while cupping my face pulling me into a kiss.

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