Chapter 6

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Justins POV
As I get back to my room from my morning run I see my "care" package waiting for me right on schedule. Three bottles and ciggs, usually I would rip off the cap off one bottle and guzzle down the clear liquid pushing past the burning that came with each sip. I needed to pace myself tonight, Dad would be at the bon fire.
I take two quick shots and head into the shower. Once im dressed I go back and take two more. I transfer some liquor into a bottle disguising it as water. By the time im ready it was ten minutes before 8. I get to the field where the school was hosting the party and feel a strong arm on my shoulder. I knew who it was before.
"Hi Son" his stern voice pierces my ears. I turn around and give him a forced smile. "Hi Dad, thanks for coming." His face shows no emotion "Neither one of us should be here, but your coach insisted and I need to make sure you don't fall off track." He never let me forget it, any time he could bring up when I disappointed him he would. I don't know if he saw it as motivation or another way of controlling me but either way it stung every time I heard it.
More students and teammates arrive soon enough my coach makes his way close to the fire. He gives a heartfelt speech stating that we were the best team he's ever coached. I wasn't used to worlds of encouragement it felt nice hearing it from someone was just as in control as my dad. We wrapped up the speeches and the party started soon after that.
I watch as my father makes his way over to me. "Your mother wants me to head home, which means its time for you to go too." Before I could respond I hear coaches voice behind me "Tom, I need to talk to Justin, Ill make sure he heads out right after." My Dad looks back from me to coach and agrees. "Ill be calling you in the morning Justin." And with that he makes his way out.
"I didn't really need to ask you anything, I just wanted you to enjoy some more time with us." I flash him a smile, he pats me on the back and makes his way out too.

    I pull out the water bottle from my back pocket and take a couple of gulps

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I pull out the water bottle from my back pocket and take a couple of gulps. I start up conversation with mostly my teammates riling each other up for the upcoming season. Some time pass and I  look around at the crowd. While I scan, my eyes land on a pair of white boots. Soon going up her body,long tanned legs that hypnotized me, her perky ass filling the jeans shorts perfectly. Soon enough I land on her lips. I know those lips. "Hailey" I think to myself.We make quick I contact before she looks away but, I can't keep my eyes off of her.
"So Justin, any ladies in your life feel like I only see you holding a football." Jordans asks, Ive known him since my first day of practice. We were as close as I could get to anyone. We would talk during practice and joke around in the locker room but never socializing outside. "Nah man, im too busy for a relationship." "Yeah but you still have your fun; see my neighbor here really knows how to enjoy his weekends." He says to the group making me laughing sheepishly. "Seriously man, for someone who never goes out you never go a weekend without fucking some hot chick, and you can't deny it. We have thin walls at NSU." The guys around us egging me on to talk."I don't know, I guess its just perks of being on the football team." Trying to keep things short.
"One day you'll give us your secret." Jordan says and we continue on with random conversation. I keep looking up from the group trying to find Hailey in the crowd. "Justin?" Someone had just finished asking me something but I was too distracted looking for her. "You waiting for someone? You keep looking around like you're expecting someone?" The liquor was starting to hit because I would have never let them in sober. "Sorry I just saw my tutor and I wanted to know if she was still around so I could say hi." "Well, what does she look like ill help you spot her out."
"Shes wearing white boots." I see the guys scan before Jordan says "Shit you mean the babe over there with the shorts?" I look at the direction he's pointing  placing my gaze on Hailey again, I nod confirming. "Man I would not be able to focus if that hottie was my tutor." Why was I jealous of my teammates oozing over her, its not like I liked her. RIGHT?
"Yeah Jordans right, holy shit you gotta give me her number." Soon enough everyone had given their opinion on how hot Hailey was. Even though it was pissing me off they were right. The more the alcohol hit me the more I wanted to walk over and carry her to my room make her scream my name. JUSITN Snap out of it, I say to myself.
"Well if you don't go say Hi I will." That was all the encouragement I needed. I take my last sip of the bottle and make my way to her. Im cut off by some guy who gets to her first.

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