Chapter 21

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Justin's POV
     She sits across from me getting her books out of her bag. The air heavy with the weight of the conversation we were about to have, my mom called me yesterday letting me know about her talk with Hailey this weekend. I felt like a coward not telling her first but I appreciate my mom being honest with her; it broke her heart giving her the news.
        "Hi" is all I could muster. Pathetic, she looks up at me giving a weak attempt at a smile. "Hailey, I'm so sorry. If it was up to me this wouldn't be happening." I breath out in a low voice, "  Just know I don't want this." I repeat, her eyes never leaving mine fill up with tears "I know Justin and I know this isn't permanent but it hurts just as bad" she breaths out  "But I'm still going to tutor you, if I'm being honest I tried to move you to another tutor but there was no one available." Her honesty hurt, "Can we make the best out of our sessions, you're the smartest person I know." She smiles at my response. " Of course I'll still be here to help you and support you in anyway you need academically." Her coldness was in full display and I didn't blame her.
      We go on with our session, she treats me like I was just any other student. Even though she was sitting right next to me it felt like we were 100 miles away. We usually sit next to each other going over my lecture, making each other laugh in between always having our hands on each other. Today the closest I got to her was when she passed me my book and our hands graze.  Before she could leave she says "Here" pulling something out of her bag. "You should take this back, I probably won't be going to anymore games I don't want your Dad to see me." She hands me my Varsity jacket and my heart breaks even more than it already was. I should deny it and protest but I didn't want to torture her with the constant reminder every time she went to get changed. "Thank you." She doesn't respond and makes her way out. Bye Babygirl. I gather my things and put on my jacket it still smelled like her perfume. I close my eyes smelling her in, flashbacks of us scatter my mind. I take a deep breath before I could start crying, I didn't need anyone seeing me cry.
       As I make my way to my dorm I see Jordan waiting for me outside the door. "Hey man, can we talk?" I look down "I'm tired man can we talk some other time." He sighs "Want to talk over some drinks?" I didn't want to be around anyone but the thought of downing some shots did sound amazing. I look up at him and nod, "Let me drop off my bag and we can go." He smiles and I try to match it, soon we're walking over to the bar.

"So what's going on man?" Jordan asks as I finish off another shot

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"So what's going on man?" Jordan asks as I finish off another shot. I turn his way and actually feel like opening up, I don't know if it's the liquor or today in general but I needed to talk. "My dad forced me to break up with Hailey. If not I'd be plucked from school only coming around for games and practice" His eyes shot open "Dude, what! Why?" He indicates another round of shots to the waiter " He thinks it's what's best for my season and future career, even though he has absolutely no fucking idea what's best for me. Just look at how he fucking treats me." My voice agitated remembering every time my Dad put me down instead of lifting me up. "Hey look, season is half way done. Let's finish with a bang and in no time you'll be back with Hailey. It's best you don't start slacking on the field you know he'll come down on you even harder." I agreed with Jordan I wanted to do the complete opposite get a couple of losses just to prove a point but then I remember my teammates and how they didn't deserve that.
    We cheers and down another shot. "Jordan can I tell you something and it stays between us?" He nods "I've been nominated for a Hiesman." His mouth makes an O "Holy shit man that's fucking awesome! Dude you totally deserve it!" He's almost shouting "Bar tender another round!" He walks over "You guys have had enough." "Hey you're talking to a future Hiesman winner show some respect!" I laugh at his response my large glasses hide most of my face. The bartender gives me a better look "You're Justin, great season man!" He pours us two shots each "They're on the house." I give him a cheers before downing them.
       Jordan and I stumble back to our dorms. I land on my bed watching the room spin. I grab my phone after a couple of rings I'm sent to voicemail. "Baby girl, I miss you. I can't wait to see you again." I hang up becoming consumed with the darkness of sleep.
       Knock knock knock Ughhhhh. Fuck my head was killing me. I hadn't felt hungover in years, being with Hailey my drinking was at a minimum but last night I dove back into my old ways. Knock knock knock The knocking at my doors continues. "I'm going!" I open the door revealing an angry Hailey. "Hey" I say trying to look less hungover. "Hey? What the fuck was that message you left me yesterday!" She's pissed, message?  I think to myself, then it hit me. Fuck. "Hailey im sorry. I talked to Jordan over some drinks yesterday and I guess I had more than I should." My body resting on the frame of the door, I see her glare trailing down. I realize I'm just in pajama pants that hang low at my V. I smirk "I don't care what you were doing, just don't get me involved. This is already hard for me and you leaving me those messages don't help." My smirk quickly drops "You're right, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She walks away without a response.
       I get back in bed and try to sleep off my hangover. It's sunset once I finally get out of bed I call  Jordan and ask him to get the team together for a Friday dinner. Our talk resonated with me I didn't want to lose the teams connection, we agreed to eat off campus I didn't need another run in with Hailey today.

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