Chapter 25

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Haileys POV:
      Justin and I finish our session and I make my way back to my dorm. After our talk he went back to being MY Justin. I couldn't help but hug him before leaving the library I could feel his body relax onto mine.
       I walk in and take off my jacket, making my way to the kitchen and start looking for what to make for dinner, suddenly there's a knock on my door. I almost gasp when I realize who it is; "Hi Hailey, may I come in?" There's a pause before agreeing. "Can I get you anything to drink" I ask politely. "No thank you, I wanted to talk about something" I look at him confused as he continues "I know me coming here is a surprise but I wanted to apologize, I was wrong making Justin breakup with you. I thought I was doing what was best for my Son not realizing the trauma I was causing.
     I watch as he continues to talk "I heard you two in the library and it reminded me of Patty and I, how she would boast me every time I got in my head. If it wasn't for her I don't know where I'd be in life, I would never forgive anyone that would want to take her away from me." He takes a breath and looks up, "I will no longer stand in my Sons way of happiness. I also want to apologize for assuming who you were before even meeting you."
     Im in complete shock trying to take in everything he said. "Mr. Bieber, I don't know what to say. Thank you for your apology I know your intentions were always best and you've done a great job raising an amazing man. He's kind and thoughtful and so talented; it was hard for you to see it because you need to stand back and watch." He starts nodding his head agreeing.
       "You're right Hailey, Patty and I would love for you to sit with us tomorrow at the game. I know Justin would love it too." I smile at his gesture, "Thank you Mr.Bieber but I don't know if I'll be going." He shakes his head disagreeing "Nonsense I saw the way you looked at him, I've made you two waist so much time don't waist anymore." I smile his way and agree to going before leaving.
      I make dinner and finish homework before getting ready for bed. I lay down thinking about what happened earlier. I fall asleep excited to see Justin tomorrow.
       I make my way to meet Casey and Matt at the local coffee shop. As I walk in the smell of roasting beans take over, I quickly spot them joining their table. "Hi babe, we got you a cappuccino" says Casey sliding the cup over to me. "So are we going to the game" asks Matt, I look up and smile "Guys, Justin's Dad came to my dorm last night" they look at each other then at me waiting for me to continue. "He apologized for making us breakup and even asked me to sit with him and Patty at the game." Matt almost chokes on his coffee "Holy shit Hailey that's amazing" Casey says excitedly.
      We agree to meet at mine before the game, I was excited but so nervous and they wanted to make sure I didn't chicken out. I finish getting ready making sure before I head them walk in. "Hails" I hear Matt calling out "Im almost ready be right out" they settle into the couch.

I make sure to dress warm in order to brace the cold winter night

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I make sure to dress warm in order to brace the cold winter night. "Cute outfit" says Tyler he got here a couple of hours ago excited to be apart of his first college game. "Thanks" I reply joining them on the couch "I can't wait to see for the game, you think we'll win semi?" "If Justin is on the field I don't see why not" I respond as we get into conversation.
Justin's POV
      I warm up with some throws on the field before being approached by my parents. "Hi honey!" My mom says as she hugs me "you're going to do great tonight" I smile "Thanks mom" I hug her back. I look over and see my Dad "Son I need to talk to you" he says as we walk away. "Justin I wanted to say how proud I am of you" im completely shocked "You've come such a long way and I know you're going to do great tonight." I stand there completely in awe "wow Dad, thank you it means everything hearing you say that." We hug and he pats my back, "your mother and I will be sitting right there" he points to seats making sure I know where they'll be.
       I put on my helmet and make my way mid field, buzzing with jitters. I start and scream a call before feeling the ball hit my hands as I look for the best pass to throw.  Before I knew it the whistle blows signaling it was the end of the first quarter.
       We were up but not by much, I regroup the team and listen to coach give us different plays soon enough we're back to playing. The other team put up a fight and were beating us by a touchdown by the end of the third quarter. I boast the team while we're in a huddle "team on 3" I scream 123 Team! I put on my helmet and decide to look over at my parents, that's when I saw her.
      She was sitting in between my Mom and her friends my Dad next to my Mom. They're smiling my way cheering. Was that why Dad made sure I knew where they were sitting? I smile seeing them all together I wave and see Hailey blow me a kiss. My smile gets wider and I make my way back to the team. Seeing them together woke up this fire inside of me.
My girl is here and she's sitting with my parents; I can't loose. Determination starts running through my veins, in one fluid motion I unleash the ball watching it sail through the air as if guided by destiny. The receiver extends his arms, his fingertips brushing the ball before securing it tightly. Touchdown! The crowd erupts in a frenzy, their cheers echoing throughout the stadium. We were now tied, coach calls a time out and we go back into a huddle.
       "Ok instead of going for the field goal I think we should play. I don't want the score to be close enough to have them come back." He finishes reviewing plays and we run back to the field. "Ready, hut!" I scream and catch the ball looking for an open player. I see the opposing defense rushing to me I miss them barely and start running towards the end zone.  I fake a couple of turns and jump over a linebacker my body thuds on the ground when I hear a whistle. Touchdown!!!!
          Jordan grabs my hand pulling me up and the team rushes over. We all start cheering and jumping around. I separate myself from them and run over to where I saw my parents sitting. They're running towards me, I get a tight hug from my Dad and my Mom they step aside and I see Hailey run my way. I carry her in my arms spinning around "you were amazing Justin!" She says with excitement
I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be sitting with my parents and Hailey next to me. We're enjoying our meal when my Dad clears his throat catching our attention. "Son, I wanted to congratulate you on tonight. You were unstoppable out there and I am really proud of the player you've become. Someone wise told me I needed to step aside and admire you you've become and I'll be doing that." He smiled towards Hailey, we clink glasses and cheer.
Dinner goes on and we hug goodbye. "Do you want to meet the team at the bar?" Hailey asks as we walk back to campus. I look down at her and shake my head "No, I want to spend time with you. Plus I have something I want to show you." I say excitedly I take her hand as we walk getting closer.
We settle into my room and I reach for my guitar. "I wrote a song, I play every time I miss you which meant everyday." She smiles "After a while no song matched what I was going through so I decided to take matter in my own hands." I start strumming the guitar.

"You say that I won't lose you
But you can't predict the future
'Cause certain things are out of our control
Yeah, if you ever move on without me
I need to make sure you know that
You are the only one I'll ever love"

She looks at me with a smile and tears in her eyes. "Hailey I've missed you so much, I thought this day would never come. I'm never letting you go again." We hug for what feels like forever. I meant what I said to her, I wasn't going to let anything in our way again. We stay up for hours talking about our time apart, soon enough she's asleep in my arms. I try my hardest to stay awake as I didn't want the day to end or wake up and it all being a dream.

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