Chapter 19

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Jeremy's POV (Justin's Dad)
I stand by the window watching my son hand-in-hand then kissing that girl. Patty had been acting so weird on our vacation to the point that I thought she was cheating. I did some thing I don't think I've ever done before, I went through her phone. Once I read Justin's text thread I saw the pictures of him and this girl. I told my son no relationships until after being drafted. I wanted what was best for him, he had potential on winning both championship and Heisman Trophy and I didn't want anything getting in the way. Especially not some girl. I can admit I pushed him a little further than I expected today but the fury inside of me was boiling to the point of overflowing. He collapsed to the ground once I blew the whistle instructing him practice was over. "What's wrong Son, out of shape after spending the holidays with that girl?"
He slowly starts to make his way back up to his feet before he can give me an excuse I put my hand up silencing him. "I don't want to hear it, you know this relationship is over!" I turn around expecting him not to respond "NO!" He screams. "What did you say boy?" I'm fuming by now how could he disobey me even more than he already has. "I said no Dad" I take a deep breath try not to lose my temper in front of everyone. "You don't have a choice, either you end this or I take you home. I'll transfer all your classes to virtual and you'll only come on campus for practices and games is that what you want Son?" He knew I wasn't joking he let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head. " That's what I thought. I only want what's best for you and you being alone and focused is that is just that."
He starts shaking his head with a slight smirk that makes me want to punch him. "You have no clue what you're talking about and how much "this girl" has given me potential to be even further of an amazing athlete than I already am. Do you think we're undefeated just because of your training no dad this so-called girl has made me feel love that I never thought I could get. Made me fill the empty holes that were left in my soul. If only you knew the downward spiral I was going into because of your control. You said yourself said a team is only as good as their quarterback and she's made me the best person I could be."
" Thats enough." I scream pausing the gym in its tracks. "I told you your choices, now what will it be?" He hangs his head and nods. "Fine." He agrees in a low tone. He might hate me now but once he's signing his contract to whatever NFL team he wants he'll know why I made the choices I did.
Justins POV
I make my way back to my dorm. I call my mom asking for advice. "Honey calm down what's going on." I didn't even know I was crying uncontrollably "Mom, he knows Dad knows about Hailey. He said I had to end things or become his prisoner, I don't wanna lose her Mom"I continue to sob. "Sweetie take a deep breath, I know it seems like your father has all the control but you still have a choice in this." I shake my head "No Mom! You know he's relentless I know he's gonna be showing up every day to practice making sure I'm following his orders." I hear her take a breath gathering her thoughts. " Let me talk to him before you give Hailey the news. I wont allow you to be swallowed up by your fathers control and I don't want to lose my son to it." I thank her before hanging up.
I walk into my room collapsing on the bed spending the rest of the night crying my eyes out. Just when things were becoming so close to perfect my father goes and ruins everything. I don't understand why I had to be alone! If I was slacking off at school or fucking up in football I'd get his point but my grades are the best they've ever been and we were having an undefeated season. Why!
I wake up the next day eyes swollen from the night before, checking my phone seeing missed messages from Hailey. I couldn't face talking to her, I put in my headphones in and head out for a much needed run. Every mile is another memory that flashes through my mind. From the first time I saw her running towards me when we met in the library to the bonfire to the punch in the face she gave that girl. When I got back to my dorm I start sobbing thinking about our amazing winter break and how it was all over.
The Next week: Thursday
I don't know how I made it a full week without talking to Hailey, my Mom called me on the weekend saying that Dad had his foot planted on his decision. Just like I thought he was here every day making sure I didn't disobey him. I ignored calls from Hailey, Matt and Jordan I wasn't spending any time with the team after practice and the distance was becoming prevalent.
"Bieber, my office!" I hear Coach scream. I change after practice and knock on his door. "Come in!" I take a seat across from him, " I have good and I have bad news what do you want to hear first?" Couldn't be any worse than the news my Dad gave me so let's just pack it on. "Bad first." I say dryly looking down at my feet. " I've had a couple of complaints from the team this week saying that you've been off and aren't communicating the plays properly, everything ok?" I didn't want to burden my Coach with personal issues so I just shake my head. "Yeah just getting used to my schedule." I lie. "We have another week until our next game let me know if I can offer you any school resources that can help. I see you've already signed up for tutoring if there's anything else that can help. Please tell me."
Shit tutoring. I am supposed to meet with Hailey in an hour, it will be the first time I'll be seeing since she walked me to the gym last week. "So what are the good news?" I ask, "Well the speech you gave to the team at our last game was uploaded and submitted to the Heisman committee you not only have to be a great player on the field but have great sportsmanship outside of it. Which is exactly what you've been showing. I have high hopes you'll be taking it." My head shoots up looking at him wow winning the Heismen is one of the best achievements any college football player could have guaranteeing a spot on any NFL team. "So don't start fucking up now, Ok." I nod walking out.
I grab my belongings making my way to the library I'm usually so excited to see her but now I just want to throw up with the thought of the conversation we were about to have. I take a seat at our usual spot waiting for her to come in she's never late and each moment that passes gives me more anxiety. Soon I hear the library doors open and there she is in all her glory more beautiful than I remembered. Her eyes lock with mine she looks like she's been crying which breaks my heart even more.

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