Chapter 13

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Justins POV
RIIIIING; Coaches whistles goes off indicating practice is over. Monday practices are always tough but this one felt like boot camp. It looks like Im not the only one on edge, Jordan comes running up to me as we walk into the locker room together. "Man, I don't know how Im going to make it back to my dorm. My legs feel like jello!" I chuckle at his comments, I guess I was used to being worked out so intensely; thanks Dad.
After showering and changing, me and some of the boys decide to get dinner. I texted Hailey but she had yet to respond. "Yo, isn't that your girl?" I look to where Jordan was pointing. I see Hailey across the quad laughing it up with some guy who I'd never seen before. A ting of jealousy washes over me, is that why she didn't answer my text. Before I walk into the dining hall they hug and continue walking together. "Uh oh does J have some competition?" Danny starts teasing me which quickly comes to an end when I give him a glare."I was just kidding man!" I didn't take it as a joke.

	I didn't like competing for something that was already mine but, I know Im just over thinking

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I didn't like competing for something that was already mine but, I know Im just over thinking. Ill ask her about it when I see her. DING my phone goes off and its a message from Hailey.
Baby Girl: Hey, cant make it to dinner sorry xxx
Hmm, that was odd. Usually if she cant make it shed give me a reason why and make plans for later. Not tonight, did "I love you" scare her? Did she only say it because she felt bad. All these negative thoughts starts to run through my head. "Yo J wanna go to the weight room?" Im brought back to reality and shake my head agreeing. My Dad calls me letting me know he would be coming to the weight room with me Wednesday and Thursday. Great that means I have to cancel tutoring.
I get back to my room, usually by now Hailey would have sent me a couple of texts trying to plan where we'd be staying the night but nothing. I know she's busy and so am I but, seeing her with that guy keeps my head in a negative space. Thats when I get the itch, I still have some bottles under my sink. I know some sips of it will help clear my mind. I go to open the cabinet before Im stopped by the ring of my phone.
Baby Girl: Hi handsome, I hope you had a good day, miss you <3
Calm down Justin you don't want to spiral, I think to myself before texting her back.
Justin: I miss you too, practice was brutal but I survived. Anything new happen with you?
Baby Girl: Nope, nothing new. Finished my morning final early so I had a little bit of extra time to study for my other class.
She isn't telling me about the guy I saw her with making me even more suspicious. I go back and forth in my head thinking if I should ask her but, I decide not to.
Justin: You staying here tonight?
Baby Girl: Sorry baby not tonight. I have to study.
Justin: Ok, I cant make it to Thursdays session my Dad is coming.
Baby Girl: Aw ok handsome, well I guess Ill see you Friday.
Her text leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I don't answer, my body goes into auto pilot and I walk straight to the bottles. I rip open the cap and guzzle it down. Before I know it Im covered by darkness crashing on my bed.
Haileys POV
I hurry out of class as soon as I finish my exam. I look down at my phone, "Ill be in a red cardigan." I look around the quad soon enough spotting them. "Aaron?" I ask walking up to a boy with sandy blonde hair. "Yea, you must be Hailey?" I shake my head and we continue talking. "Your boyfriend is a lucky guy." I laugh and continuing on with our conversation.
I had been looking for the perfect Christmas present for Justin. I was going to give up hope until I saw an ad on Craigslist for a Gibson acoustic guitar. Justin would tell me how he learned when he was younger and would play when he'd go home at his local music store but never owning one too scared his Dad would see it. I agreed on writing two of Aarons final papers and some cash.
"Its in my room, lets go." I am so excited I hug him and follow him to his dorm. He opens the case and its perfect. The guitar is black with silver detailings, it reminds me of Justin. The beauty over takes the darkness. "Its perfect!" He hands me the guitar in the case and some paper work which will help me write the reports. I hand over some cash and agree on being done with both papers by Thursday.
As I walk out of his room I bump into a girl, "Oops sorry" I say to the redhead. She gives me a mean look before walking further down the hall. I shake off her look I am too excited I found Justin the perfect gift.
Speaking of Justin, later that night he sends me a text telling me he wouldn't be making it to our session. Its a bitter sweet feeling, I wanted to see him before Friday but I am relived I can work on Aarons papers without blowing the supiese. I haven't been this excited for the Holidays in a long time.
Justins POV
BUZZ BUZZ My head is pounding as I open my eyes. I haven't been hung over in a long time, I turn off my alarm. DING my phone goes off quickly after.
Baby Girl: Have a good day handsome. I can't wait to be cheering you on.
I smile at her text, maybe I am just over reacting. My class drags on making it hard to concentrate with this head ache. Finally it comes to an end we didn't have an exam for this class it was a report which luckily Hailey helped me. "Hey Justin?" I hear behind me. I turn around and my gut falls, its the red head I had hooked up with a couple of months ago. I look at her and she continues, "long time no talk since you got a girl friend. Lucky her, didn't think any one could tie you down." I don't know where the conversation was going so I just nod and smile. "Are you ok with your girlfriend hanging out in other guys dorms? Cause I bumped into her yesterday and she seemed pretty happy leaving my neighbor Aarons room."
Who the fuck is Aaron, my look of confusion seems to amuse her. "Unless you guys are broken up, in that case Id love to hang out again." I look at her Im officially pissed "We aren't broken up." I say coldly "well either way Id still love to hang out when she cant keep you company." Gross. "Fuck off," I say as I walk away and make my way out.
My head is spiraling, what the fuck was going on? Did Hailey cheat on me? Was I just being used by her like she told me she did with those other guys. Her and I had been pretty honest with each other first month dating. I told her about my Dad she told me about hers, I told her about my drinking she told me about her past neither one of us judging each other but now. Now I am judging, even though Im being a hypocrite because of my slip up last night but I didn't cheat on her.
Before leaving the locker room I text Matt, before I jump off the deep end I need someone to talk.
Justin: Meet me @ my room tonight after your tutoring session. I REALLLY need some advice.
Matt: Sounds good lover boy. Everything ok?
Justin: Not really, I think Hailey is cheating on me.
Matt: See you tonight. Ps its Hailey we're talking about remember that.
If anyone is going to know how to help me manage this its going to be Matt. I head into practice with a heavy mind and an aching heart.
Haileys POV
I sit at my usually spot waiting for Casey and Matt. I can't wait to tell them about Justins gift, Casey, Matt and I agreed to skip on gifts we had enough to worry about. I see them walking in with their faces not as excited as they usually are. I think nothing of it and wave at them.
"Hi guys!" They take a seat in front of me still keeping pretty quite. "Everything ok?" I look at Casey then Matt. "Look babe you know you can tell us anything right?" Casey says in a reassuring voice. Im now completely confused. "Yeah of course. What's going on?" " Well hun I got a pretty weird text from Justin and I need to talk to you first, just don't tell Justin I told you." Justin this has something to do with Justin, I nod my head and let Matt continue on with his sentence. "Well right before our session I get a text from Justin asking for advice. He thinks you're cheating on him."

	My eyes go completely wide "WHAT" SHHH says the head librarian as I raised my voice

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

My eyes go completely wide "WHAT" SHHH says the head librarian as I raised my voice. "Sweetie calm down." Casey grabs my hand trying to comfort me. "No of course Im not cheating on Justin why would he even ask you that." Thats when it hit me, he must have seen me walking with Aaron to his dorm. "Look guys no, I am not cheating on Justin, I met up with this guy to buy his guitar. Its Justins Christmas present."
They both look super relived. "Oh thank god, I am meeting him later he wants help on how to ask you." I want to get mad at Justin, why wouldn't he just ask me right away but I take a deep breath if it was the other way around Id probably spiral and break things off. He thinks he's being cheated on and is still trying to get advise. "Well is there any way you can tell him im not cheating on him without spoiling the surprise?" He nods after some more back and forth we go onto our class work I need to finish Aarons papers.
Justins POV
"Knock knock" Matt says while opening the door. I had been in my head all practice and weight room. People would ask me something and I would completely disregard them. I even messed up a couple of plays. I need to figure this out before the game. "Hey man, want a drink?" I ask Matt I didn't want to be sober right now.
"Sure" he sets his things down and sits at my desk. "So whats going on lover boy?" I pass him a mixed drink and take a seat across from him. "I saw Hailey walking with this guy yesterday, then today some chick tells me she saw MY girlfriend leaving his dorm room." I gulp my drink down and pour myself another one. He looks up at me with some amusement in his eyes pissing me off even more. "This girl who told you this didn't have a reason behind telling you?" "I mean yeah, she was one of the girls I used to call when I needed some reliefs but she want lying I mean I saw them walking together before that."
"Look Justin you need to put the same energy into thinking that it might not be that surface level as you are believing someone who might not have the best intentions. " Just like that my head stopped spinning. Matt was right there could be a million of reasons why Hailey was with him cheating just made sense for red head to think of. "Well then why else was she with that guy?" "Come on lover boy, you know you have a good girl with you. She could of been giving him some school work or helping him with something that is completely un related to cheating." His smirk lets me know he knows what Hailey was up to. "Matt please just tell me its driving me crazy!" "No can do lover boy, but you should talk to Hailey  theres only one way to find out whats going on."
Matt is right but my Dad will be here tomorrow and Thursday so Friday morning it is. I ll deliver her flowers to her personally and also put these stupid thoughts behind me.

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