Chapter 26

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Night of the award dinner: Haileys POV
It's been three weeks since Justin and I had gotten back together. We would spend as much time as we could together, he was busy with practice and press for the championship game. It was coming up fast and tonight was his award dinner. I decided to ask Matt and Casey to come over and help me get ready.
The event was a black tie affair and I needed to get dressed to the nines. I was nervous and excited at the same time I had tried a couple of dresses but none of them satisfied me. "Hails relax, you will look great no matter what you wear" says Casey I pace in the living room.
"I want to look perfect tonight, not only is this a huge night for Justin but I'll also be with his parents." I say growing anxious before I could continue to there's a knock on my door. I open it and find a tall guy with a head of curly hair ask my name, "yes" I responde confused. "Justin wanted to deliver this to you" he extends his arm and holding a garment bag. I accept the package and make my way back in.
"Well open it" exclaims Matt. I unzip it slowly revealing the beautiful dress I couldn't get out of my head since I saw it at the mall.
Flashback "Hello, Hailey are you listening" Justin asks. He was reminding me of the time he'll be picking me up for the award ceremony. "Yeah, sorry but look at that dress" I point in the direction of the window display. "You'd look beautiful in it want to go try it on" asks Justin, "no no it's fine I have more than enough dresses." End of flashback.
"Oh my gosh you guys this is the dress I was gushing over all week. I can't believe Justin did this" I smile towards them "Wow 10 points for lover boy this is some romcom movie scene" says Matt. "Well what are you doing, go change" demands Casey. I hurry into the bathroom to change, it fits like a glove I make my way into the living room watching my friend look at me in awe. "Jesus Hailey you look amazing" "Yeah this dress is everrrythimg on you" they continue to compliment me.
I finish getting ready checking the time. He should be here any minute, I spritz on perfume and put on some lipgloss. Matt and Casey left not too long ago wishing me a good time and sending luck to Justin. I reach for the door since I hear a knock. Justin was standing there looking oh so handsome. His tux made him look like he should be in a Bonds movie. Before I could compliment him he says "Wow Hailey you look magnificent" I blush to his compliment. "You look very handsome Justin, I'm lucky to be going with you." He smiled and pulls his arm out instructing me to wrap mine around.

      We arrive at the venue and look for our table

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We arrive at the venue and look for our table. We're greeted by his parents. "Wow you two look stunning" says Patty. "You clean up well son, Hailey you look lovely" adds Jeremy "Thanks guys you both look great as well" I respond as we take our seats.
The night goes on, we're all in conversation enjoying our time together making it seem like there wasn't a time that we didn't have to hide our relationship. Soon I hear someone on the microphone "Hello every one and thank you for joining us tonight...."
Justins POV:
I look at the mirror and examine myself one last time. I grab my wallet phone and keys and make my way to Haileys. As she opens the door my jaw drops, she looked like a dream, tonight was one of the most important nights of my life and having her by my side made me feel like I had already won.
We enjoy the night talking and enjoying the presentations they gave honoring the season. "Hailey you look beautiful tonight" I lean in so only she could hear. "Thank you I can never get tired of you saying that" she smiled. We stay close to each other all night, as much as I didn't want to show it I was extremely nervous, tonight could change my life forever.
"Hello everyone and thank you for joining us tonight. The Heisman award is to celebrate players who put their heart into the sport and team. Reminding us that football is more than just a game. They show dedication and commitment to succeeding more than just a win. This years Heisman winner is.....Justin Bieber."
The crowd bursts into a clap, "Babe! You won!" shouts Hailey brining me out of the haze I stand up and give her a big hug. I make my way to the stage and shake hands with the announcer and other decorated plays. I walk to the mic and smile as the claps die down I start my speech.
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and fellow football enthusiasts. I stand before you humbled and and grateful, this award represents the culmination of countless hours of hard work, dedication and unwavering support from those who's played an instrumental role in my journey. First and foremost, I must express my deepest gratitude to my Dad who's belief in me and tireless training, shaped me into the quarterback I am. Dad, you were there with me every step of the way, teaching me the intricacies of the game, instilling discipline, and pushing me beyond my limits. Without your unwavering dedication I would not be standing here today, holding this cherished trophy.
To my incredible Mother thank you for being an amazing source of support throughout this incredible journey. Your love, encouragement and belief in my ability have been the fuel that propelled me forward even during the toughest of times. Your presence in the stands, cheering me on with such passion has been a constant reminder of the importance of family.
Last but certainly not least, I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation to my girlfriend, the love of my life. Your love, patience and understanding have made me a better man both on and off the field. Your faith in me and belief in my dreams have been an incredible source of strength. You have taught me the true meaning of determination, resilience and the power of love. This Heisman Trophy belongs to all of us because you have played and indispensable role in shaping the man who stands before you today."
The crowd claps and I make my way back to the table. "That was a beautiful speech" says Hailey as she wipes away her tears. I lean down to kiss her taking very thing in.
The night slowly comes to an end and we're all in the parking lot. "Son I wanted to congratulate you one more time. You've become a player I only wished I could of been. I can't wait to see where you go from here and I'm very proud of you." His words make me want to cry my Mom hugs me whispering she loves me and that where my tears start rolling. They drive off with the trophy Dad can't wait to put it on display in the medal cabinet he made me.
"So, shall we go celebrate" I smile her way "We shall" we arrive at the bar and to my surprise everyone in it erupts in "Congratulations!!!" They had streamers and a banner congratulating me. "Justin, you fucking it did it dude!" Jordan runs up to me giving me a hug pulling me off the ground. "Thank you. How did you even do this" he looks at Hailey and smile "Hey this was all her, she had no doubt in you winning planning this party all week." I turn to Hailey cupping her face and pulling her into a warm kiss.
We spend the night dancing laughing and reveling in my accomplishment.

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