"I did."

"But she's not my girlfriend, she's not even important." Nova added.

"Do you always kiss unimportant people?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Are you always jealous?" Nova said with a smirk on her face.

I immediately felt a blush creep on my face.

"I-I'm not jealous," I said, scrunching my face in disgust.

"I think you are, cause you mentioned her in the past 2 days more than I ever have," She said, lazily raising her eyebrows.

"But in all seriousness–" Nova said standing up straight "–I told her I was becoming the leader and that was her reaction. I didn't want to make it awkward so I just went along. Noah also told her about the party and got her an escort to take her there, she didn't come with me."

"You kissed her back because you didn't want it to be awkward?" I reiterated slowly.

"Yeah..." She trailed off squinting her eyes.

"So what, you guys were past flings or something?" I asked putting the pieces together, why else would she be so content with the kiss.

"Something like that, I guess,"

"So what happened with you two? I haven't seen her here this whole time." I questioned, knowing that they couldn't be that serious if she didn't show up until now.

"She wanted more than I could offer, so I broke it off. She wasn't supposed to be here in the first place." She said blankly.

More than she could offer?

I forced myself to avoid asking anymore questions about their relationship and slowly tried to change the subject.

"And you didn't drive her to the party?" I asked.

"I don't drive anyone in my car." Nova said, keeping a blank expression on her face.

"What about me?" I mean she's been the only one driving me around.

"Special exception."

As soon as the sentence left her lips a silence grew between us. And so did the butterflies in my chest.

I couldn't even recall a time where I had this feeling toward someone else.

I only felt like this around Nova.

And I couldn't figure out if it was a good or bad thing.

"Can we make breakfast now?" Nova asked, finally breaking the silence.

"I was waiting on you," I said, pushing myself off of the island.

"Really? because I was waiting for you to lose the staring contest," She said, taking a couple of steps toward me.

"I was not staring." I replied slightly irritated at the accusation.

Was I staring?

"You definitely were, but I'll let it go just this once." She said turning to face the counter.

"Why thank you Casanova, I couldn't be more grateful for this change of heart," I said teasingly.

"The usage of the full name?" She dramatically questioned while grabbing some ingredients from the counter.

"I'm going to start using it more often," I replied, watching her set everything on the counter.

"I'm not complaining."

I quickly cleared my throat before obviously changing the subject, "What are we making?"

"Pancakes, eggs, bacon, but if you had something else in mind we can do that too." She answered.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now