Chapter 72: Covenant control city

Start from the beginning

Then they heard something at the other room which they quickly draw their weapons at the room. Rookie and Y/n slowly move up and get up to the door. Watcher with the singal opens the door and they walked inside and search around.

It wasn't long for someone to attack Y/n with a frying pan. They quickly turn and were about to shoot but to their surprise sees Donut wielding a frying pan.

Y/n: Donut?!

Donut: Y/n? Oh hey Y/n! Nice to see you. I thought you'll be dead.

Y/n: Nope I survived. Simmons you can come in now.

Simmons walk in ans is surprised to see Donut so when they ask him what happens Donut tells them.

Donut: Well I woke up all alone and that's when i realised I got separated from you guys. So I decided to look for you but only to get attack by some Hunters, Brutes, Jackal snipers and grunts with those stinky grenades. You know, the ones that stuck onto my helmet a long time ago. Ah good times.

Simmons: Donut do you know where Sarge and the others are?

Donut: No I haven't.

Y/n: Well good to see you alive.....again. I mean seriously how do you survive everything?

Donut: No clue.

Then they heard something that sounded like vehicles so they look out of the window and to their surprise sees New Mombasa police arriving in front of the building and entering inside.

Y/n: (surprised) New Momo police force?

Donut: Yeah we're saved!

Simmons: Thank god we're saved.

They make their way down the steps while the Rookie wasn't sure why but he had a bad feeling about this. He catch up to them as they walk through the wall way of the first floor and before they can go to the main hall the door I front of them suddenly closed.

Y/n: (surprised) What the?!

Superintendent: Warning! Warning! All strangers are dangerous! Warning! Warning!

Simmons: Strangers? But they are New Mombasa police forces. They're the good guys.

Donut: Maybe the ai is broken.

Y/n: Or maybe its telling us something.

Then they heard something at the other side which Y/n slowly walks over and place his ear onto the door and all he can hear is a beep which he immediately moves back and pushes everyone back as the door blows up.

New Mombasa police swat begin to fire at them which they immediately took over as bullets fly by them.

Simmons: Why are they shooting at us!

Donut: Maybe they think we're Covenant!

Donut came out of cover and called out.

Donut: Hey we're not aliens! We're humans like youse!

Rookie tackle Donut to cover as bullets fly by. With no choice Y/n fire his carbin at them follow by Simmons and the Rookie. They keep shooting until everything became silent.

They stoo firing and they make their way over and see the dead New Mombasa swat police as they stood over them with confusion in their minds.

Simmons: Why did they attack us?

Donut: No idea. You think they gave up and start working for the Covenant?

Y/n: I don't think so.

Y/n kneel down on one of the bodies and took off his helmet. He pulls out a chip within the swat troopers helmet and insert it into his own and reads through their mission objectives.

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