Chapter 21: Final Verdict

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"The fact that your step-mother mentally abuses you and how she tried to sabotage your career," Cillian simply said.

"Why?" Jaxon almost raised his voice. "Why did you tell Dad about it?"

"Because for whatever reason you are not telling him, it's doing more harm than good. It's better if he knows," Cillian responded firmly.


"He's right, Jax. Mathew should know," Declan interrupted. "And thanks, Cillian, for doing it. Otherwise, Davian and I would have called Mathew ourselves."

"You guys don't get it—"

"We do, Jax. We may not be in your situation, but anybody can tell that this is the right thing to do. Your dad deserves to know the truth of what his wife is doing to his son. I know you already said no to suing her for defamation, which I am honestly not happy about, but she at least deserves some repercussions for her actions," Davian stated.

"You have suffered enough, Jax. This should put an end to it. You don't have to bear with her harsh words anymore," Aurora said.

Tiana stood up and placed her hand on his shoulder. "You shouldn't blame yourself for whatever happens between them now. She brought this on herself. None of this is your fault. I hope you understand that."

Jaxon looked at Tiana helplessly, and she blinked her eyes slowly, assuring him that everything would turn out fine.

Jaxon let out a small sigh. "I understand."

Tiana gave him a faint smile and sat back down.

Davian and Declan exchanged a glance and chuckled. They were all trying to make him understand until now, but none of that made an effect on him, but Tiana did. Maybe that's what a special person does to someone.


"Finally, it's midnight," Ariel said, opening her laptop.

Everyone was huddled up behind her couch, peeking at the screen anxiously.

Once she entered the website, all of them behind her screamed in joy.

"Yes! 90% voted yes!" Tiana shouted and hugged Jaxon.

Jaxon was too surprised and just hugged back Tiana. Aurora was about to hug Davian in happiness, but realizing their awkward situation, she backed away from him and hugged Declan.

Declan found it weird and narrowed his eyes before playfully giving a spin to Aurora and pushing her over into Davian's arms. "Keep your girlfriend in your arms. She mistook me for you."

Aurora immediately got herself out of Davian's arms, who didn't mind it at all and actually liked having her close after this long. She feigned a laugh and said, "What, now I can't even hug you, Dee, just because I have a boyfriend?"

"Of course not. Oh, is that how it came out?" Declan let out.

"Yes," Aurora pretended to be offended.

"Okay, my dear friend, I will not push you off again," Declan tried to make peace.

"Too late." Aurora turned away her face and walked away from him, while Ariel was laughing at the interaction.

"I have already mailed the results to LM. Cillian should be getting a call soon—" Ariel stopped talking as Cillian entered the living room.

He was looking chirpy as he spoke, "LM called. They have given their final verdict. They are not going to terminate Jaxon's contract and are going to give him a second chance on fans' demand."

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