Chapter 70: Emir wants Divorce!

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The man, carrying a sense of reassurance, looked at Emir and entered the room. He shared, "You're a lucky man that you have a wife who loves you so much. When you were unconscious, she was continuously crying for you." Emir, frustrated and in pain, replied, "Lucky? Wife? Look, you go back to your wife and tell her you're lucky to have her, Okay? Go!"

The man, with a somber tone, said, "I wish I could do that but she is in heaven now. But sure, I will tell her because I daily talk to her while looking at the sky. You're lucky that you have your wife.. You have someone who cares about you. Not always life gives you a second chance. Value your relationship more than anything.. whatever differences you have just clear them. Because when you waste time in holding grudges against each other.. a day comes when you are only left with grudges not with that person anymore. Then you realise their value, their love but till then regret will eat you up." Emir, softened by the man's words, looked at Reyhan. Then that man left, and Reyhan brought medicine and water for Emir. He was sitting on the bed, and as Reyhan handed him the medicine, he looked up at her and held her hand. Emir said, "Reyhan..." She looked at him emotionally.

Emir continued, "The ones who hurt us the most, ironically, they're the ones who try to mend those wounds. It's like you're looking into a mirror and that pain is getting reflected back to you." He stood up, coming close to Reyhan. While looking into her eyes, he questioned, "Reyhan, I'm not getting it. Why did you leave me, and Why did you come back now? Why?" With tears in his eyes, he expressed, "This is hurting me even more. Seeing you close to me every time just makes me feel my heart beat again and again. It's like listening to your name repeatedly every moment. It's getting difficult for me, Reyhan."

Here in Tarhun house, Ayşe feeling restless dialed Emir's office to inquire about his whereabouts. The voice on the other end informed her that Emir Bey had left for a meeting in Şile with his secretary. Ayşe, shocked and angered by the revelation, abruptly cut the call. Frustration gripped her as she muttered, "Reyhan... I have to find a permanent solution to rid you of Emir's life. I don't know... what if they come close. If Emir forgives Reyhan then I will be of no use here..No.. I can't let that happen. I can't let Reyhan come back into Emir's life. He's mine."

Back in Şile, Reyhan while attempting to ease his pain, covered his lips by placing her hand between them. She closed her eyes and gently kissed her hand while it covered Emir's lips. That kiss was a gesture of showing her affection to Emir while maintaining a distance with him. Emir also closed his eyes, finding solace in her touch. Reyhan slowly moved away and softly said, "Emir, I will tell you everything... at the right time. But till then, please stop hurting yourself." Then she gently cupped his face and wiped his tears and said, "Emir, in those years, I only thought about you." Placing her head against his, she added, "Please give us some time to settle with our emotions. I will tell you everything. I promise."

In the morning, Ayşe, filled with frustration, exclaimed, "Enough is enough. It's getting too much. Emir didn't come home the whole night. He was with Reyhan. I can't... I..." Before she could finish her thought, Zehra entered and said, "You're so dumb, Ayşe." Ayşe asked, "Why?" Zehra responded, "Because you know the wall between you and Emir is Reyhan. Then try to break the wall. Find the reason why she left Emir. That's her weakness. If we get to know about that, we can break her so easily." Ayşe said, "So, Reyhan wasn't in Istanbul; it is confirmed. But why did she leave Emir and moved elsewhere?" Zehra, with a proud expression said, "So, It's time to use my biggest Trump Card. Curiously, Ayşe asked, "What?" Zehra continued, "This will blow your mind Ayşe. Ayşe said, "Please tell me aunty what is it?" Zehra said, "Reyhan was pregnant when she left."

Ayşe, shocked, questioned, "What?" Zehra continued, "Yes, she was in America. Actually, one of my friends saw Reyhan in a hospital in America, and she was coming out having her reports in hand, which my friend managed to read." Ayşe who was still processing the news asked, "But why didn't you tell me about it?" Zehra responded, "Because I saw no need for that. But now, she has returned to our lives; it has become necessary for me to reveal that." Curious and confused, Ayşe inquired, "But if she was pregnant, then why did she leave Emir, and what happened to that baby?" Zehra admitted, "I have no clue what happened after that, but we can use this information against her for sure because we both know how much Emir is sensitive about Esra. Then think what will happen if he gets to know that Reyhan kept her pregnancy hidden from him. She kept existence of his own child in secret."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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