Chapter 69: Emir's furious side

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Reyhan reached Emir's cabin with a herbal tea. Just as she entered, Emir sneezed loudly. Reyhan calmly said, "Emir, you got a cold. Please have this herbal tea; it will help." Emir looked at her in anger and retorted, "What did you say? Emir... Call me Emir Sir. I'm your boss. Always keep that in your mind." Reyhan, remaining calm, didn't say anything. Emir continued, "And yes, take this herbal... whatever tea away from me. I don't want anything." He sneezed again, even harder. Reyhan, unfazed, started walking out. Emir thought, "She's so stubborn." Then, as he began coughing again, irritation evident on his face, he looked at the tea with a funny expression as if torn between wanting to drink it and resisting because Reyhan offered it.

Finally, Emir muttered to himself, "She's not here; who's gonna tell her?" He took the tea cup and started drinking it. Reyhan, observing from outside, smiled and whispered, "Nothing has changed about you in all those years. You're still that cute innocent Emir." After some time, Ayşe and Esra entered Emir's office, Ayşe's eyes locked onto Reyhan working diligently at her desk. Gritting her teeth, Ayşe muttered, "Reyhan, you followed Emir here. That time you got saved by luck, but this time I will never let you come back into Emir's life." Determined, she entered Emir's cabin.

Inside, Esra excitedly approached Emir, saying, "Baba, baba!" Emir, while wiping his nose, replied, "Esra, my dear, I can't hug you now. I've got a cold. Please stay away from me; otherwise, you'll catch it." Disappointed, Esra said, "But baba, that means you will not play with me. Today is our play day." Emir apologized, "I'm sorry, my kiddo, but I'm too weak to play with you right now. But Aunt Ayşe will play with you, right, Ayşe?"

Ayşe assured Esra, "Of course, yes, my dear." She then approached Emir and suggested, "Emir bey, you should take a leave today. You aren't looking well." Emir, focused on work, replied, "We have two big projects going on. I can't take leave." Ayşe persisted, "I got soup for you; can I serve it?" Emir smiled and nodded. As Ayşe leaned in to serve the soup, Reyhan entered the cabin, witnessing their close proximity.

Reyhan glanced at Emir and Ayşe with frustrated and a bit angry expression. On seeing Reyhan, Ayşe seized the opportunity to add fuel to the situation, gracefully moving away while adjusting her hair, and said, "Please, Emir bey, have the soup." Meanwhile, Esra gets excited on seeing Reyhan and exclaimed, "Angel!" She ran towards Reyhan and hugged her. Reyhan was confused and shocked with Esra's unexpected hug. Esra in her innocent voice said, "Thank you for saving me, angel." Reyhan, taken aback, questioned, "Angel?" Esra explained, "Baba told me a story where he said that angels save our life. So you're my angel because you saved my life."

Emir stood up and sternly said, "Esra, move away from her." Esra obeyed and stepped back from Reyhan. Emir, with a harsh tone, questioned Reyhan, "Why did you come?" Reyhan hesitantly in a soft tone replied, "Actually, you have a meeting with Mr. Mehmet in an hour, so I came here to inform you."

After some time, Emir walked out of his cabin, he noticed Reyhan engaged in conversation with an employee standing close to her. A tinge of jealousy crossed Emir's face as he muttered, "Why is he standing so close to her?" Unable to resist, he approached them and declared, "Reyhan, you will come with me to Mehmet's meeting." Reyhan, surprised, questioned, "Now, suddenly?" Emir asserted, "I'm the boss; I will tell you what to do. Just come with me."

As night fell, Emir bid farewell to Mr. Mehmet and his team, still coughing. As they all left, Emir began to feel dizzy. Reyhan, immediately concerned, held him and said urgently, "Emir... Emir..." A helper at the hotel noticed and rushed to assist Reyhan in lifting Emir, guiding them to a nearby bed.

As Emir lay there, Reyhan, worried, asked the hotel helper, "Thank you so much. Is there any doctor nearby?" The man regretfully replied, "No, ma'am. In this hour, no one will be available. Şile is very far from city areas." Reyhan tensed at the lack of options. The man suggested, "Ma'am, apply a cold pack to him; it will help in reducing fever."

Reyhan expressed her concern, saying, "But his fever is so high. We don't have any medicine here." The man then realized, "Ma'am, you?? I mean, you're his secretary then..." Reyhan smiled and said, "I'm his wife too. You don't worry. Bring me a bowl of cold water." Then the man handed the bowl and a towel to Reyhan, she closed the door and quietly approached Emir. He lay on the bed, sleeping with a high fever. Reyhan, feeling nervous, sat beside him, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. Hesitantly, she took the towel, dipped it into the cold bowl, and placed it on Emir's forehead, trying to alleviate his fever.

After several attempts, Reyhan checked Emir's fever again, only to find it still alarmingly high. Concerned, she reached out to the man once again and said, "Brother, my husband's fever isn't reducing. Please help me." The man assured her, saying, "Sister, don't worry, I will check." Together, they entered the room where Emir was resting. The man advised, "Sister, I will try to bring some medicines from outside. Don't worry." With those words, he left.

At the Tarhun house, Ayşe paced anxiously, murmuring, "It's been so late. Emir isn't home. Is he with Reyhan?" She contemplated the idea but quickly dismissed it, saying, "No, no... Emir won't forgive her easily."

In Şile, Reyhan with a concerned expression, sat beside Emir, gently moving her hand over his hair, and whispered, "Emir, please get well soon. I can't see you in this condition." Just then, Emir stirred awake, and Reyhan, smiling through her tears, said, "Emir, how are you feeling? Thank God you woke up." Emir, frustrated and confused, stood up abruptly, shouting, "What's happening here?" He again started coughing. Reyhan took few steps back from the bed in nervousness then she started stammering and said, "Emir.. you.. got fever.. and..." Meanwhile Emir in hurry tried to stand up but he was so weak that he accidentally spilled a bowl from the nearby table, shattering it into pieces.

Reyhan was about to approach him but Emir sternly commanded, "Stop... stay there. The glass might hurt you." Reyhan, hurtful but determined, replied, "The hurt which your words cause to me, your distant eyes cause to me, is nothing compared to walking on thousands of glass pieces like these." Emir, firmly and angrily, said, "In all those years, you don't even know how I spent every moment..I felt the pain of thousands glass shards piercing my heart. But you... you just left. Now suddenly you came back and want me to behave nicely with you?"

Reyhan, in response to Emir's outburst, calmly said, "Emir, not like..." But before she could continue, Emir shouted, "Why did you come back again? When you left, the only hope left for me was Esra. Because the moment you left, I was empty inside. Being a father to Esra gave me that strength, but you... you would never understand that. Reyhan, you're a woman who gets tired of love so easily that your own desires blinded you."
Reyhan concerned about Emir's health said, "Emir, this is not the right time to discuss these things. You're not well." Emir, frustrated and in pain, retorted, "Yes, I'm not well since four years. Can you heal me for that?" Reyhan, concerned, urged, "Emir, please sit back. Let me clear those glass pieces; otherwise, you will get hurt."

Emir, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, responded, "I'm already hurt because you reignited that fire inside me again. Tell me, you came here because you wanted to see how much hurt I am without you. You wanted to enjoy my pain, didn't you? That's why you applied for a job in my office." Reyhan, looking into Emir's eyes, responded with sincerity, "Emir, why would I enjoy seeing you in pain?" Then Emir noticed the ring on her hand and walked in front of her, questioned, "With which right are you still wearing this ring? You don't deserve it."

Emir, driven by frustration and emotions, forcefully took her hand to remove the ring. Reyhan, resisting his grip, moved her hand away and angrily retorted, "You have no right to take this ring away from me." Emir, with a sarcastic tone, remarked, "Of course. You know its market price. By selling it, you can spend your holidays in abroad so easily. By the way, how was your time in America? Huh? Didn't you get bored there in some years like you got bored of me?"

Reyhan, surprised, questioned, "How did you know about America?" Emir said, "By hiring you, I got all the information about your background through police records." Reyhan thinks in her mind, "Does he also know about my disease and our baby?" Just then, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Reyhan composed herself, wiped her tears and went to open the door. The man standing outside said, "Sister, here, give this medicine to your husband. And stop crying. He will be okay."

The man, carrying a sense of reassurance, looked at Emir and entered the room. He shared, "You're a lucky man that you have a wife who loves you so much. When you were unconscious, she was continuously crying for you." Emir, frustrated and in pain, replied, "Lucky? Wife? Look, you go back to your wife and tell her you're lucky to have her, Okay? Go!"

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