Chapter 32: Zehra's new trap

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After some time, Emir entered the cafeteria to find Zehra already waiting for him. As he took a seat across from her, Zehra began, "I know I called you in urgency, but it was important." Emir, anxiously, responded, "Yes, Mom. Tell me what happened."

Zehra hesitated for a moment before revealing, "Emir, your dad..." Emir's anger flared again, anticipating the worst. Zehra continued, "His condition isn't well. The doctor said he doesn't have much time left." She placed her hand on Emir's, her expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Zehra gently said, "Emir, he wants to see you one last time. It's his last wish." Emir, grappling with the sudden news, felt his hands tremble, sweat forming on his forehead. Zehra continued, "I know this isn't easy for any of us. But you can't deny the fact that he's your father. Remember how much you used to love him, waiting for him after office. He was your hero."

Emir, his voice trembling, responded, "The hero turned villain when he cheated on you... the day he left us... he died that day for me." Then, Emir removed his hand from Zehra's grip showing his refusal.

In Emir's cabin, Reyhan, Zara, and Selim were working together. Zara and Selim's hands eventually touched, and their eyes met, creating a moment of closeness. Reyhan, though observing this, decided not to react.

Just then, Can entered and addressed Selim, "Selim sir, all the reports are ready. I want you to sign them so that I can send them further." Reyhan smiled, seeing her brother Can there. However, Selim, frustrated and preoccupied, snapped, "Can't you see I'm busy right now and why did you come here?"

Reyhan, feeling protective, said to Selim, "This is not the way to talk, Selim. I think you don't know, he's my brother, so I expect that from the next time, you will behave nicely with him." Zara observed Can as Reyhan spoke.

Can, understanding the situation, said, "Reyhan, it's okay. I'm used to it." Reyhan, firm in her stance, stated, "But he's my school friend and Emir's partner. I can't let anyone disrespect you, Can." Can responded, "I know, that's the reason I never told him about my relation with you and Emir. I didn't want to use Emir's name."

Selim, realizing his mistake, apologized, "I'm sorry, Can. I hope you will forgive me." Zara, standing silently, observed the situation.

Then Selim and Can left the cabin to discuss the reports. Just after that Zara attempted to leave, but Reyhan halted her, saying, "Zara, wait." Zara stopped and looked at her.

Reyhan confronted her, "When Selim was disrespecting Can, why didn't you say anything?" Zara retorted, "I have nothing to do with him." Reyhan persisted, "Oh really? You and Can together decide to get married. That was a two-sided decision; Can didn't force you."

Reyhan continued, "Zara, I know you're hurt, you're in pain. But have you ever thought he has burdened himself under the guilt? He suffered from everything alone. You decided to leave him but he..he is just where you left him. Everything that has happened wasn't solely his mistake; it was an accident. We couldn't blame him fully. Look at him now. Can who was running behind promotion and money has accepted to be disrespected rather than using and taking anyone's name for benefits. Zara, please open your eyes and see, Can has changed. Don't distract yourself from any outer shine."

Zara responded firmly, "Reyhan, don't give me lessons about my life. I know what you're trying to do here. You're happy with Emir Abi, living your happy married life, then be in that. Why do you keep poking into others? You were just a stone on the road that got a precious diamond from the crown-my Emir Abi. You're lucky that he fell in love with you."

Softening her tone, Zara continued, "Leave me and Can at the place we are. If we are destined to be together, just like you and Abi, we will be. I just want to give time to myself to heal. And I don't think this is too much to ask for."

In the evening, inside Emir's cabin Reyhan was waiting for him, feeling a sense of impatience. Reyhan thought, "It's already evening. Emir said he would be back soon, but it's taking too long now. Should I call him to ask?"Reyhan picked up her phone, contemplating reaching out. Just as she was about to dial, a knock echoed at the door, and Reyhan looked up to find Selim standing there.

Selim entered and asked, "Reyhan, is it a good time to talk to you?" Reyhan nodded, allowing him to talk. Selim, remorseful, said, "Reyhan, I'm so sorry that I behaved so rudely with your brother."

Reyhan, firm in her principles, responded, "It's not only about my brother; it's about every employee, Selim. Everyone deserves to be respected." Selim acknowledged his mistake, saying, "I know, Reyhan. I admit my mistake, but please, because of that, I don't want to stain our friendship."

Then, Selim gently held Reyhan's hand, expressing, "Reyhan, we met after so many years, and I don't want to lose a good friend." Reyhan, softly absorbing his words.

Just then, Unexpectedly Emir opened the cabin's door to witness Reyhan and Selim holding hands. The situation appeared different from Emir's perspective, and pain was evident in his eyes. His gaze held a hint of hurt, and tiny tears reflected the emotional impact. Upon seeing Emir, Reyhan swiftly pulled her hand away from Selim's grip to avoid the misunderstanding, leaving Selim confused about how to react in the tense moment.

In his bedroom at Tarhun mansion, Emir sat holding a glass of whisky, teary-eyed, sweaty, and intoxicated. Hurt by the recent scene of seeing Reyhan and Selim holding hands, he was a mix of anger, fury, and pain. Meanwhile, Reyhan searched the whole house for him, finally spotting him in his room. Taking a breath of relief, she cautiously approached him and Hesitantly called him, "Emir."

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