Chapter 13: Emir is in danger

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Reyhan was shocked at every word from Hayat. Regaining her composure, Reyhan said, "But the pictures still got published." Hayat clarified, "I know because that was Zaroon's personal intention to harm you. He said, 'I will take revenge on Reyhan because she slapped me.'" Reyhan, processing this information, asked, "Hayat, are you sure about what you're saying? I mean, you're saying something completely different from what I know."

Hayat affirmed, "I'm sure. Zaroon himself told me about all this." Reyhan's expressions became serious as she contemplated the new information thinking "That means it was Emir who saved me from Zaroon even before our marriage. He had no selfish reasons to get married to me. And I continued to blame him for what he hasn't even done."

In the evening, Reyhan was walking home, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't shake the thoughts echoing in her mind. "Emir, why didn't you tell me before? Why didn't you clarify my misunderstandings? Zara was right, Emir. I never valued your care, your respect towards me. No man can ever be like you. I was stupid to trust Zehra aunty and Zaroon." The weight of realization and regret was evident in her words as she stayed unaware of Emir's silent struggles and efforts to save her honour.

In the evening Emir was casually heading towards his car then suddenly a group of men confronted him. The man from the morning incident confronted Emir, saying, "You have a car, why do you travel by bus?" Emir, confused, responded, "Excuse me?" The man, "The person you warned earlier is my brother and now I want to know what you can do?" Emir replied, "I intervened because this man was disrespectfully staring at a woman". The other man said, "Who was she your girlfriend? Your wife? Emir got angry and protested against their statement saying, "Heyy.. Just then the goons started beating him mercilessly.

The situation escalated quickly, and the men began brutally beating Emir. Struggling to confront them alone. Emir fell to the ground, covered in blood, and as he was slowly losing consciousness, he whispered, "Reyhan." At that moment, Reyhan appeared on the same street, witnessing the horrifying scene. With teary eyes, she rushed towards Emir, shocked and distressed by the sight before her. Just as they saw Reyhan goons ran away.

Reyhan was crying uncontrollably as she saw Emir in such a battered state. When she noticed his blood on her hands, she immediately cradled his head on her lap, pleading, "Emir, wake up! I'm here, please look at me... Emir..Emir..." Emir opened his eyes, managed a smile, and then lost consciousness again. Reyhan, in distress, shouted loudly, "Emir!"

Reyhan, in deep distress walking alongside, held Emir's hand as they wheeled him into the hospital. The nurse stopped her sayin, "Ma'am please wait outside". Reyhan, crying, pleaded, "Please, let me be with him. I can't lose him. Please, Emir..." The nurse reassured her, "Ma'am, please wait. Doctors are doing their best." Reyhan, overwhelmed, sat on a bench in the hospital corridor, praying, "Please, God, save him. I can't bear to lose him. I can't..." Tears streamed down her face as she waited anxiously.

Reyhan entered the hospital room and saw Emir lying unconscious, surrounded by beeping monitors and an oxygen mask covering his face. Overwhelmed with grief, Reyhan couldn't control her tears as she stood by his bedside, silently praying for his recovery.

Just then the doctor entered and said, "Emir's muscles were torn due to which he lost a lot of blood internally. His situation is very critical". Reyhan got more distressed upon hearing this. Reyhan, distressed and tearful, pleaded with the doctor said, "Doctor please save him.. He's my everything.. please I can't lose him ,Doctor.

Doctor said, "We are trying our best. We need to perform an operation soon". Reyhan said, "Okay do whatever it takes. Doctor said, "You go and fill the form at the reception and we will proceed with the operation. Reyhan nodded in acknowledgment and rushed to complete the required paperwork.

Reyhan, while standing at the reception and filling out the form, reached the column asking for the relation. Reflecting on the memories of their wedding, a tear rolled down her cheek. Despite the emotional turmoil, she gathered her strength and wrote "Wife" in the column and whispered to herself, "I'm his wife." Reyhan then handed over the form with teary eyes, affirming her connection to Emir in this critical moment and hoping for Emir's recovery.

Esra's heart pounded as she appeared in the hospital corridor and saw Reyhan, her eyes widening in shock. "Reyhan, what are you doing here?" she questioned, anxiety evident in her voice. Reyhan, locking eyes with her, recognized her from the magazine cover with Emir.

Before Reyhan could respond, Zehra burst into the room, frantic. "Emir... Emir, my son, Esra, tell me," she pleaded. Zehra's gaze shifted to Reyhan, and anger flashed across her face. "Reyhan! I knew you must be here. How can you even dare to come close to my son? I will call your family. Let them see what their well-mannered daughter is doing here. There must be you behind all this."

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