Chapter 34: Evil planning

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As Emir left, Zehra approached Reyhan from behind, expressing concern. "Reyhan, what happened? Emir left again without having breakfast." Reyhan remained silent, contemplating the situation. Zehra, worried, insisted, "I can't see him like this. We need to do something."

Reyhan, seeking guidance, asked, "Is it true, Zehra aunty? Tell me what I can do for him." Zehra suggested, "I think first you should meet Emir's father. It would be easier for you to convince him to meet his father."

Concerned about Emir's emotional state, Reyhan questioned, "What if Emir gets more disturbed?" Zehra reassured, "No, he's behaving like this because he has a lot of complaints from his father. Once he meets him, all the misunderstandings will be gone." Reyhan, convinced, said, "I think you're right."

Zehra handed Reyhan a paper slip with an address and said, "This is the address. Reach there by 11 am. Please don't be late." Reyhan nodded with a determined smile, ready to take on the challenge.

Reyhan arrived at the Hotel Sea Set, following the address provided by Zehra. As she took a few steps towards the entrance, she inquired about Mr. Ali Tarhun at the reception. The receptionist, smiling in a mixed way, confirmed, "Yes, ma'am. It's room no. 104."

Reyhan proceeded to the lift, ready to face the unknown encounter. Meanwhile, Selim arrived outside Hotel Sea Set and approached the reception area. Inquiring at the reception, the receptionist smiled and replied, "Yes, sir. It's room no. 104."

Emir, accompanied by his secretary, arrived at the same hotel for a meeting. Emir inquired, "Is this the place where the meeting is held?" His secretary responded, "Yes, sir. Let me ask at the reception." After a brief inquiry, she returned to Emir and said, "Sir, it's Room no. 104." Emir nodded with a formal smile.

Meanwhile, in Room 104, Selim knocked on the door, and Reyhan opened it. Both were shocked to see each other. Reyhan questioned, "What are you doing here?" Selim replied, "You texted me to be here." Reyhan, surprised, said, "I?!"

At that moment, hotel staff arrived with a tray of juice. As she attempted to enter, she accidentally spilled the juice over Selim and Reyhan. Startled, she apologized, "I'm so sorry, sir and Madam. It's my first day on the job; please don't complain about it." Selim, irritated, said, "Can't you see?" Reyhan intervened, stopping Selim, and said to the girl, "It's okay, but please be more careful next time."

The hotel staff girl, apologized, "I'm so sorry, ma'am. Please, you can clean your dress in the bathroom. Sir, please take this tissue to clean." She quickly retrieved a tissue for Selim and then moved to her hotel trolley.

After a moment, she returned with a t-shirt for Selim, saying, "Sir, please change it. And sorry for the inconveniences." As she tried to manage the situation, she added, "Sir, can you move away from the bedsheet? It has some stains. I'm taking it with me. It will be changed after some time." Reyhan, nodding with a tense smile, went inside the bathroom to clean her dress.

Emir and his secretary arrived outside Room no. 104. As Emir received a call, he excused himself and moved away to attend it. Meanwhile, taking advantage of the moment, his secretary used the spare key provided by the hotel receptionist with an evil smile to her. Unbeknownst to Emir, she unlocked the door while he was occupied with the call.

Emir returned and instructed, "Just get the door open." His secretary calmly replied, "Sir, the door is already open."

Emir entered the room, and found Selim standing with his shirt unbuttoned. Emir was shocked then his gaze shifted to Reyhan, who emerged from the bathroom with a towel. Emir stood there, utterly surprised, looking at both Selim and Reyhan in disbelief.

As Emir struggled to comprehend the situation, the hotel staff girl arrived from behind, breaking the tense silence. "Sir - ma'am, here's your new bedsheet. Let me change it," Emir, visibly hurt and heartbroken, watched as she moved to change the bedsheet.

Reyhan, sensing the tension, spoke out, "Emir..." Selim, trying to explain, moved towards Emir, saying, "Emir, it's not what it looks like. Let me..." Emir, overwhelmed with a mix of hurt and anger, abruptly pushed Selim onto the bed, declaring, "Move away, you scoundrel."

Reyhan, teary-eyed, pleaded, "Emir, please listen to me." However, Emir remained resolute, overwhelmed with hurt he kept looking with his gaze downwards.

As Emir's eyes filled with tears, Reyhan looked at him, feeling the depth of his pain. Tears rolled down his face silently. Unable to witness the anguish in his eyes, Reyhan closed her eyes, aching with empathy.

Emir, without uttering a word, walked out of the room, leaving a heavy silence behind. Overwhelmed by the emotions, Reyhan couldn't stand any longer. Slowly, she sank down to the floor, her tears flowing freely, mirroring the pain that echoed in the room.

Emir reached his car, and as he sat inside, the weight of the emotions became unbearable. He started crying uncontrollably, the depth of his sorrow evident in each tear. Overwhelmed with pain, he unleashed his frustration, hitting the steering wheel repeatedly with his hands, the physical release offering a momentary outlet for the overwhelming emotions within.

Emir's secretary dialed a number, and Zehra picked up on the other side. Secratary said, "Ma'am, the work is done. Reymir is over." Zehra's satisfaction echoed through the phone with a sinister laugh.

After some time, Emir reached home, anger and fury palpable in his demeanor. Reyhan, walking behind him, pleaded, "Emir, Emir, please listen to me." As they reached their room, Emir turned sharply and said, "Do you still have something to justify yourself?" Reyhan, hurt, struggled to find words.

Emir, seething with emotion, continued, "I'm blind, Reyhan. You were making a fool of me every minute, every second, and I just couldn't see that. I'm ashamed of myself, Reyhan, for being blindly in love with you. And you thought that he's madly in love with me, let's play with him, make a fool of him."

Reyhan, desperate to explain, said, "It's not like that, Emir. Whatever I said, whatever I did was my genuine feelings for you.. Please believe me." Emir, cutting her off, declared, "I have seen your genuine feelings. You fall in love with every man entering your life, whether it's Zaroon, me, or Selim. I was so foolish to think that you genuinely love me. I thought you understood my love for you. You told me that you experienced your first love with me. It's a joke. But don't forget, Emir Tarhun isn't a fool."

Emir, his pain etched in every word, said, "Reyhan, you have killed me inside. How beautiful is it that you don't have to actually kill someone to make them die? Because today, what I saw in that hotel room... You know what I wanted to do? I wanted to kill both you and Selim with my own hands. But you know why I stopped? Because of this," he pointed towards his heart and continued, "This system only knows to love you."

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