Chapter 4: Reyhan's care for Emir

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Zaroon elaborated, "Yes, Emir bey, a fee to keep Reyhan's honor intact and to ensure your sister's newly found happiness with her in-laws."

Emir, desperate to shield his sister's newfound happiness, reluctantly succumbed to Zaroon's demands, providing him with the financial means to keep Reyhan's reputation intact, saying, "Okay, fine. But don't you dare harm anyone in the family, otherwise, you know what I'm capable of."

Zaroon, seemingly satisfied with the outcome, assured Emir, "Of course, Emir bey, I know." Then He left with a sinister smile on his face, leaving Emir with a sense of unease about the agreement he had just made.

Emir arrived at the Polat house, carrying some belongings of Zara. He rang the doorbell, and just as the door opened, he found himself face to face with Reyhan. The tension in the air was palpable as Emir looked at her with guilt in his eyes, while Reyhan's expression conveyed a mix of hurt and anger.

Reyhan, without saying a word, took a few steps away from Emir and walked towards her room, leaving Emir standing there alone. He watched her go, feeling the weight of the unresolved emotions between them.

Shortly after, Zara approached Emir with a warm smile and said, "Abi, why are you standing there? Come inside."

Emir attempted to mask his inner turmoil, acted normally, he entered the house with a forced smile, concealing the weight of the recent events that had transpired between him and Reyhan.

In the living room, Emir and Zara were engrossed in conversation. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Ayla had prepared coffee for Emir. As Reyhan entered the kitchen, Ayla requested her help, saying, "Abla, can you please serve this outside? I have an exam tomorrow, and I have to study." Reyhan understood the situation and nodded in agreement. Ayla left the kitchen.

Back in the living room, Reyhan approached with the coffee tray. However, as she attempted to place it on the table, her foot got entangled in the carpet, causing her to lose her balance. The tray fell, spilling coffee on Emir and causing his hand to burn. Reacting swiftly, Emir waved his hand in the air to ease the pain, while Reyhan was shocked by the unfortunate accident.

Zara, concerned for Emir, reached out to assess the severity of the burn, said "Abi, let me see. Does it hurt?" Emir's gaze turned to Reyhan, convinced that Reyhan had intentionally caused the accident to harm him. Reyhan, her eyes filled with guilt, attempted to apologize, but Emir responded to Zara, "Yes, it hurts so much." Emir, clenching his fist tightly to intensify the pain, noticed Reyhan's reaction.

Reyhan, overwhelmed by guilt, closed her eyes, bearing the weight of her actions. Emir swiftly stood up, leaving the room without a word, leaving behind a tense atmosphere filled with unspoken emotions.

Reyhan made her way to Emir's office, where his assistant led her to his cabin, informing her, "Ma'am, Emir Sir will be here shortly, just as his meeting ends. You can wait here." As Reyhan entered the cabin, she took in the surroundings, her gaze falling upon a picture of Emir with the NGO volunteers, prompting a smile to form on her face. As she looked around, she noticed a cheque on Emir's table, with Zaroon's name on it. Reyhan was puzzled, thinking is the cheque related to her ex, Zaroon?

Just as Emir walked into the cabin and noticed Reyhan's presence, he was taken aback. Reyhan stood up, her eyes meeting his as she struggled to find the right words. She stammered, "I'm here because... I wanted to say sorry. I mean, whatever happened in the morning..." Emir observed her closely, trying to understand her true intentions.

Reyhan then noticed Emir's hand, which had turned red due to the burn from the spilled coffee. Concerned, she took a few steps toward him and said, "You didn't get it bandaged."

Emir replied, "I didn't get time."Reyhan immediately insisted, "Sit. He sat down, and she retrieved a first aid kit from her bag, carefully tending to his wound. Emir watched her attentively, trying to grasp the depth of her actions.

After finishing the bandaging, Reyhan informed him, "It's done." Emir playfully inquired, "Do you carry that first aid box all the time, or did you bring it for me?" Reyhan, feeling slightly awkward, responded, "I don't carry it often, but..." Emir smiled, understanding her unspoken sentiments.

Reyhan indicated her intention to leave, and Emir nodded, saying, "Yes, okay, bye then." Reyhan responded, "Bye," and left his cabin. Emir watched her leave, his gaze lingering on the spot where she had been. He then looked down at the bandage on his hand, smiling with a blush as he thought about Reyhan's unexpected visit and care.

Reyhan, returning home alone in a dimly lit street, began to feel as though someone was following her. Her footsteps quickened, as a sense of unease grew within her. Suddenly, Zaroon appeared in front of her, and Reyhan was startled and shocked to see him standing there.

Zaroon greeted her with a sinister tone, saying, "Hello, my love. Where are you going?" Reyhan's fear intensified, and she tried to walk away, but Zaroon blocked her path once again, insisting, "Talk to me, my love. That day, you refused to give me what I wanted."

Zaroon forcefully held Reyhan's hand. Reyhan struggled to break free from his hold, but her efforts were in vain. Summoning all her courage, she managed to release herself from his grip and delivered a resounding slap to his face. "Don't you dare to touch me again. Get lost! You're not a man; you're a coward. Leave me alone," she declared, her voice laced with a mix of anger and fear.

Reyhan swiftly left the street, leaving behind a frustrated and seething Zaroon, rubbing his reddened cheek in anger. He muttered under his breath, "Now you'll see, Reyhan. What I have in store for you will be unforgettable." It was clear that Zaroon harbored ill intentions and a desire for revenge.

In the tense atmosphere of the Polat house, everyone was gathered in the living room, deeply concerned about the recent events. Can said, "I will not let that scoundrel Zaroon get away with this. How could he do such a thing? I won't leave him."

Emir tried to bring some calm to the situation, said "Calm down, Can. I've already talked to the IT expert in my company, and all those pictures have been taken down from the internet."

Reyhan and Ayla sat hugging their mother, Cansu, seeking solace and support. Zehra, Emir's mother, couldn't help but voice her disapproval, saying, "She should have been more careful with Zaroon. How can she allow..." Emir interrupted her by saying, "Mom, this isn't the right time or place to say such things."

Emotions were running high, and Ahmet, Reyhan's father, feeling overwhelmed, had tears in his eyes. He gently held Emir's hands and made a heartfelt request, "Emir, if I ask you for something, will you do it?" Emir assured him, "Uncle, if I have the capability to do it, I will."

Then Ahmet said, "Emir.. Reyhan's life has been destroyed. Everybody is looking at her as if she had committed something wrong. Emir, you promise me that..You would take care of Reyhan". Emir said "I'm looking into the matter uncle, the police are searching for Zaroon".

Ahmet made a plea, "Emir, please take care of Reyhan for the rest of her life. Emir was confused looking at Ahmet.

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