Chapter 58: Will Can and Zara seperate?

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The judge declared, "The proceeding is about to start. Mr. Can Polat." Can rose and walked towards the judge. The judge then called, "Zara Tarhun.(pause). Zara Tarhun..." Emir and everyone in the courtroom waited anxiously for Zara. Just as the judge asked again, "Where's Zara Tarhun," Zara's voice resonated, "Yes, Your Honor." She walked towards the front, standing in front of Can.

The judge, addressing both parties, inquired, "In this honorable court, we have a request for the divorce between Can Polat and Zara Tarhun. Do you both fully agree to this decision?" Can, with a heavy heart, nodded and uttered, "Yes, Your Honor," his words echoed in the room. The judge then turned to Zara and asked, "Miss Zara, do you agree with this decision?" Zara, looking firmly at Can, declared, "No, Your Honor. I don't want this divorce." Her words echoed, creating a tense atmosphere in the courtroom.

Emir and Reyhan were equally shocked as Zara again declared, "I don't want to divorce him." The judge, sensing the tension, asked, "Are you saying this without any pressure and in your full senses?" Zara affirmed, "Yes, Your Honor." Can, still processing Zara's unexpected statement, looked at her with a mixture of shock and confusion. The courtroom held a palpable silence.

Outside the courtroom, Emir confronted Zara, asking, "What are you up to now?" Zara replied, "Abi, I don't want to say anything." Just as Emir was about to speak further, Can walked out of the courtroom. Can and Zara locked eyes, and in an emotional moment, Can, tears streaming down his face, Can stood there in silence. Zara reached out to him, shouting, "Can, do you even realize what you were saying yes to?" She shook him, urging him to respond.

Reyhan intervened, saying, "Zara, come with me. I'll explain everything." Then she led Zara to a quiet corner.

Reyhan, in a tense expression, revealed to Zara about the blackmailing, the calls, and messages Can had been receiving. Shocked, Zara said, "Reyhan, that means there's someone who doesn't want me and Can to be together." Reyhan, with a nod, replied, "Yes, but there's one more thing. Promise me you won't share this with your Abi."

Zara assured, "Yes, Reyhan, you can trust me." Reyhan continued, "I also received a threatening message about Emir, asking to shut Baba's accident case." Zara, puzzled, asked, "What? Abi? What does Abi have to do with it?" Reyhan admitted, "I'm confused too." Zara suggested, "Then we should tell Abi about all this." Reyhan hesitated, "No, Zara, not now. He's so stressed. I've informed his driver and secretary to be more careful about his security. You know Emir; he'll quickly take things into his own hands if I tell him now."

Reyhan, with a determined expression, continued, "I've told Baba to talk to Emir about shutting this case because I know Emir won't shut it easily without finding the actual culprit behind. All I want is Emir to be safe."

In the living room of the Polat house, Emir, Ahmet Baba, Cansu, Reyhan, and Zara gathered. Ahmet Baba gently held Emir's hands, expressing, "Emir, you are like a son to me. Cansu and I always say that we have five children, including you and Zara." Emir smiled, grateful for the warmth extended by his in laws.

Ahmet Baba continued, "Also, the day you saved my life, I couldn't get a chance to thank you for that." Emir humbly replied, "You don't have to, sir." Ahmet Baba insisted, "At least now, call me Baba." Emir smiled warmly and agreed, "Yes, Baba."

Ahmet, looking at Emir, said, "Emir, I just want one thing from you." Emir asked, "Yes, tell me." Ahmet Baba said, "Please, keep my daughter happy for the rest of her life. I know, I sound selfish, but what else can a father demand from his son-in-law?" Emir glanced at Reyhan, and Ahmet Baba continued, "Emir, I've noticed a distance between you and Reyhan. I don't know what's the matter, and I don't want to know. The only thing I want is for both of you to be happy and have a bright future together."

Cansu said, "Reyhan, Come here." As Reyhan approached, Cansu took her hand, placing it into Emir's. Cansu expressed with a soft smile, "You both have faced so many challenges in life. Don't waste this precious time in holding grudges against each other." Emir and Reyhan looked at each other with a soft gaze, understanding the wisdom in Cansu's words.

Then, Ahmet interjected, "Emir, can you help me reach my room?" Emir promptly stood up, offering his support. He gently held Ahmet Baba and led him to his room.

As Emir was about to leave Ahmet's room, Ahmet stopped him, saying, "Emir, I want to talk to you about something important." Emir turned and took a seat beside Ahmet's bed. Ahmet continued, "Look, whatever has happened has happened; we can't change it. So, I want to withdraw this case."

Emir was stunned and replied, "But Baba..." Ahmet interrupted, "Emir, I totally understand your perspective, but I don't want to stretch this any further. The police regularly visit us. Ayla is very young, and I don't think she should have such an environment around her. I want all of us to live safely and freely. Our safety is what matters most."

Emir, with a tensed expression, nodded in understanding, realizing Ahmet's concerns for the well-being of their family.

As Emir was walking out of Ahmet's room, Cansu blocked his way and asked, "Emir, where are you going?" Emir replied, "Aunty, it's too late, I think I should leave." Cansu responded firmly, "First of all, don't call me aunty. Call me mom, and secondly, you're not going anywhere."

Emir tried to protest, saying, "But..." Cansu interrupted, "Emir, you're staying here tonight. I don't know" Emir, with a puzzled expression, said, "But..." The unfinished sentence hung in the air.

The door clanked, and Reyhan turned to find Emir entering her room. Emir nervously closed the door, and Reyhan continued applying moisturizer to her arms. Gently, Emir sat beside her on the bed, looking visibly nervous. He hesitantly asked, "May I?" Reyhan found it strange, but she nodded.

Emir reached for the bottle, gently holding Reyhan's arm and applying moisturizer. Reyhan smiled, looking at him. Emir then held her hand and said, "Reyhan, I want to finish all the differences between us. Let's have a fresh start." Reyhan, a bit emotional, looked at Emir, and with tears in her eyes, she nodded. They embraced, and Emir smiled while holding her tightly feeling her warmth after a long time.

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