Chapter 19: The magical moment

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Cansu said, "Reyhan, I know this is between you and Emir, but did meeting him go well? I mean, did you apologize to him?"

Reyhan replied, "Mama, Emir and I were never on the soft path of life. I think none of us can blame anyone." Cansu, while still patting Reyhan's head, said, "Reyhan, as a mother, I want to give you some advice. If you actually have even a little soft feeling for him, don't give up. Emir is a really good person." Reyhan stood up, looking at her. Cansu continued, "Reyhan, I want you to be happy, to get settled in your life. I have seen you struggling in life for everything. I want you to feel the happiness of being loved and cared by someone. Reyhan, do your best. If your efforts could bring you two together again." The heartfelt advice from Cansu lingered in the room, leaving Reyhan deep in contemplation.

Cansu said, "I know Emir must be upset, and he must be, the way we treated him. But Reyhan, love is the strongest emotion; it can do wonders. Just listen to your heart." Reyhan smiled, getting lost in Emir's memories, recalling all the sweet moments spent with him. Cansu continued, "I hope you get the clarity you needed." The words lingered in the air, leaving Reyhan to ponder the depth of her emotions and the potential for reconciliation.

Alone in her room, Reyhan replayed the moment where Esra told Emir that his love for her had blinded him. Reyhan whispered to herself, "Does Emir... love?" She began to contemplate her own feelings and Emir's emotions. Determined to find out if he felt the same, a smile spread across her face as she blushed while thinking about Emir. Thinking about the possibility of reciprocated feelings from him.

The next morning, Emir was ready to go out when Zehra stopped him and said, "Emir, there are some gifts I wanted to give to Zara before tonight's party, but I have urgent work, so I can't go. Can you go to the Polat house to give her?" Emir agreed, saying, "Okay, I will."

Now he found himself sitting in the Polat house along with Ayla, Cansu, while Can and Ahmet were out.

Cansu gestured to Ayla and called her to a quiet corner, sharing something with her. Ayla then said to Emir, "Emir Bey, I have something to show you." Emir asked, "What?" Ayla forcefully led Emir somewhere, and as he entered, Ayla locked the room from behind. Outside, Cansu and Ayla were giggling, leaving Emir intrigued and curious about what was about to unfold.

Emir was figuring out where he was then suddenly Reyhan emerged from the bathroom, wearing a white bathrobe. Her wet hair over her shoulders added to her beauty, leaving Emir stunned. Reyhan, feeling shy, turned back, and Emir awkwardly said, "I didn't know it was your room. Ayla told me, and I'm here. I don't..." Reyhan reassured him, saying, "It's okay, Emir." Emir sat on the bed, while Reyhan stood in front of the mirror, drying her hair.

Emir couldn't help but smile and adore her beauty. As Reyhan looked at him, he moved his gaze away. She then went inside the bathroom, came out wearing a blue dress, and stood in front of the mirror. However, she struggled with the chain, and Emir noticed from a distance.

Reyhan looked at Emir and said, "Can you help?" Emir, surprised, asked, "What, me?" Reyhan teased, "Or am I talking to someone else here?" Nervously, Emir took a few steps towards her, standing behind Reyhan. Both were now in front of the mirror. Emir felt awkward as he swiftly tried to fix the chain, but it broke and the sleeve pulled down her shoulder. Reyhan, feeling shy, allowed Emir to gently put the sleeve back over her shoulder. Just then, something magical happened-the soft winds started blowing, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

As the winds gently blew, Emir's grip on Reyhan's waist tightened. His nose was close to her neck and shoulder, inhaling her fragrance. Reyhan, lost in the moment, she leaned backwards as Emir stood behind her. She closed her eyes to feel the proximity. Emir's both hands firmly held Reyhan's waist, and he gently leaned towards her. Reyhan, lost in the moment, placed her hand on his cheek to lock their intense moment. Their heads resting against each other. Both were lost in the moment, soothing smiles formed on their faces while they continued to close their eyes.

Then their magical moment was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door, Emir and Reyhan abruptly moved away from each other. To cover Reyhan's shoulder, Emir handed her a shawl, and she quickly draped it around her neck. Cansu teasingly asked from outside if she could come in. Reyhan and Emir, still recovering from the moment, allowed them to enter. Zara, Ayla, and Cansu entered, with Zara teasingly saying, "Ahemm ahem. I hope we don't break any moment." Emir, to lighten the mood, said, "You guys are always playing with me especially this little naughty girl (pointing towards Ayla). Actually, I have to leave for the office".

Then while moving out of the room he said, "Zara your presents are in your room do check them." And he continued to walk outside.

As Emir paced in his cabin, his cheeks took on a pinkish hue as he blushed, reminiscing about the recent intimate moment with Reyhan. A smile played on his lips, and he couldn't help but hide his face with his hands. He softly said, "Off... Reyhan, what have you done to me? Whenever I see you, I get lost in your eyes-your presence, your firmness, the way you talk, the intensity in your eyes, the gestures you make with your hands while speaking, your fragrance-everything about you is so special. I can spend my whole life just by looking at you." Emir's thoughts were filled with the enchantment Reyhan had cast upon him.

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