Chapter 3: Shocking Proposal

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Reyhan, already traumatized by the situation, was left stunned by the turn of events. Emir covered her with a bedsheet and then held Zaroon by the collar, leading him away from the room and towards the celebration place. Emir's actions sent a clear message about respecting women and boundaries as he took a stand to protect Reyhan and ensure her safety above all else.

Emir's anger boiled over, and he forcefully threw Zaroon to the floor in front of the stunned crowd. Confusion swept through the room as everyone gathered around, asking, "What happened? What's going on?"

Emir, his voice seething with anger, retorted, "Ask him what he did to Reyhan."

The room was filled with bewilderment until Ahmet, Reyhan's father, stepped in, saying, "Emir, you know what you're saying."

Emir remained silent, allowing the unfolding situation to speak for itself. Just then, Reyhan came, draped in a bedsheet, her appearance revealing the distressing encounter she had endured.

Can, deeply concerned, approached Reyhan and asked, "Reyhan, did Zaroon...?"

Reyhan, unable to find the words, nodded with a heavy heart.

Can's anger flared, and he struck Zaroon. Ahmet intervened, pulling Can away and giving Zaroon a resounding slap. He proclaimed, "I will never marry my daughter to a man who doesn't respect her boundaries and choices."

Zaroon, feeling thoroughly embarrassed and defeated, attempted to justify himself, saying, "Uncle but Reyhan is my..."

Ahmet, not allowing any further excuses, sternly interrupted, "Before I take any more action, just get lost, Zaroon. Don't ever even show your face again."

Zaroon, filled with shame and humiliation, left the scene, his actions having led to his own downfall and the end of his engagement with Reyhan.

Days had passed, and Reyhan was gradually recovering from the emotional trauma she had endured. The preparations for Can and Zara's wedding were in full swing. At the wedding venue, Emir stood confidently, donning a well-suited black tuxedo, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

As Reyhan made her entrance, looking exquisitely beautiful in her red dress, Emir's gaze fell upon her. He couldn't help but adore her with a gentle smile, a hint of blush gracing his cheeks. Their eyes met briefly as Reyhan came closer to him, and just as she was about to speak, Emir quickly shifted his gaze away.

Reyhan's voice broke the silence, "Listen."

Emir stopped in his tracks, a surprised and curious expression on his face, and he turned to face her.

Reyhan continued, "I wanted to talk to you."

Emir replied with a soft smile, "Yes."

Reyhan expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you."

Emir, his eyes filled with understanding, responded, "You shouldn't thank me, Reyhan. You should thank God that He saved you from that person."

Reyhan nodded in agreement. Emir suggested, "Let's go inside."

Reyhan agreed, saying, "Yes," and took a few steps ahead. However, she realized that Emir hadn't followed. She turned back to find him smiling and gesturing for her to go ahead, Said, "After you."

With a smile gracing her lips, Reyhan proceeded into the wedding venue, with Emir following closely behind carrying a blushing smile on his face.

Amidst the wedding rituals, Can and Zara stood on the aisle, surrounded by their families and friends. Emir and Reyhan, positioned at a distance within the crowd, observed the proceedings. Emir couldn't help but feel emotional as he watched his sister prepare to embark on this new journey as a bride. However, as Reyhan noticed his emotional state, he discreetly averted his gaze to hide his emotions.

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