The Aftermath, Part 3

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Part 3

Lumine clutched a bouquet of Lakelight Lilies in her arms as she and Paimon strolled around the Court of Fontaine. They careened through busy streets and corners, passing by citizens working hard to rebuild the nation. A man, probably a tenant from one of the buildings, splashed a bucket of water onto the street from a window above. Lumine jumped out of the way, almost getting drenched. "Oops! Sorry for that!" the man yelled. Plenty of people were loitering about, collecting wet trash, damp, splintered woods and broken furniture, propping them on wheelbarrows to be rolled to the local repair shops, or just gossiping about the shocking conclusion of Lady Furina's trial and the destruction of the Opera Epiclese that followed. People were trying to salvage whatever they could after the great flood and create their own entertainment while doing so.

Fontainians had discovered their origins as Oceanids, but nobody knew what became of the monster that had intruded the Opera House and how they had been saved. So they had come up with the belief that the prophecy was "wrong".

She had reported everything that had happened in the letter she had written to Alhaitham, choosing to omit details about Wriothesley because she didn't want to give him unnecessary worry.

The Traveler passed through the Vasari Passage and entered the Court Region Waterway Hub. Gardemeks and Gardes patrolled the streets for any sign of unrest or criminals who might take advantage of the citizens' vulnerable state. Pots and plant that usually decorated the sidewalk lay broken with the soil mudding the ground. Portable tanks housing pneumousia energy flickered as they scattered the streets.

Lumine spotted the hammer symbol above the Boumont Workshop and she knew they'd arrived at their destination, but something made her stop. It was the familiar blue robes of a tall man standing behind a pillar from across the smith. White hair cascaded down his back and gathered to a ponytail ribbon at the tip. A pair of long blue antennae, often mistaken as hair, swerved and tapered to the back of his shoulders. He peeked from behind the pillar while carrying what appeared to be a small carton box on one hand.

"Neuvillette," Lumine greeted from behind.

The Chief Justice of Fontaine almost jumped off his boots. "Ah, it's you... Traveler."

He sounded disappointed. The man's usual dignified air seemed to be missing today. His eyes kept twitching back to whatever was behind the pillar.

"Nice to see you again." Lumine smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Paimon asked. "Oh wait, is that a-" she pointed to the box.

The design gave him away. They took commissions at the Cafe that sold it.

He raised the carton and glanced at it as if he was seeing it for the first time. "It's Fontinalia Mousse, Lady Furina's favorite cake."

"Oh... You're here to visit Furina too? Then you should join us." Lumine suggested, adjusting the bouquet in her arms.

His eyes went downcast. His expression turned somber that Lumine began to wish his mood wouldn't stir the clouds in the sky. Everyone in the Court was enjoying the sun while repairing the city.

"I'm afraid Lady Furina might not be inclined to see me."

"Why would you say that?"

"The ordeal of the trial must've put a toll on her. She had left the Palais in a hurry after the prophecy was over. I merely came here..." he hesitated, unable to express the words.

Lumine's eyes softened as she watched the Hydro Sovereign, who had always been eloquent, fumble. She spoke gently. "Because you want to see her?"

Genshin Impact | "The Eagle Solstice" | Alhaitham x LumineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt