The Aftermath, Part 2

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Part 2

Alhaitham sat in his office, envelope in hand. He flipped it back and read a single word scribbled in Lumine's squiggly handwriting - Alhaitham. He had received the letter from Katheryne today at the Adventurer's Guild.

Once she retrieved the envelope from a stack, his heart skipped a beat, a reaction that did not reflect on his deadpan face. The lightweight parcel landed on his gloved hands and he had to fight the urge to open it on the spot.

The Scribe left in a hurry after thanking Katheryne. He wanted to savor Lumine's words in private like the intimate moments they shared in their dreams. People would see him smile like a simpleton once she started talking about her adventures and how much she missed him. Not that he cared how people would perceive him, but he wanted Lumine to be the exclusive person to see his reaction to these stories and the sensitive details the letter might contain.

He practically dashed to the office at the Akademiya where he was to start the day, ignoring the looks and greetings from scholars he bumped on the way. He had his soundproof earpieces on; he should be excused from any unnecessary social interactions.

The Scribe picked up a paper knife from one of the drawers and cut it open gingerly. The piece of paper inside was crisp as he unfolded it. Dried, pinkish petals slid from the paper and dropped to his lap in a pile. Alhaitham examined them curiously, bringing one to his nose and sniffing it. It had a faint fragrance that matched the vibrant colors it had. Although he wasn't versed in Fontaine's flora, the features of the flower were familiar to him.

He began reading:

Dear Alhaitham,

I received the letter you sent me through the Adventure's Guild. The unexpected way our last dream had ended must've shocked and worried you so much that you wrote the letter. I had hoped we'd meet again in the next dream, but fate must've had other plans for us.

I'm sorry I was unable to provide the answers you needed as soon as possible. Alot had happened in Fontaine since our last dream... The prophecy came true! Fontainians were transformed Oceanids created by the original Hydro Archon, Egeria, using Primordial Water, as you might've heard by now. That's why they dissolve whenever they come into contact with it, but the important details about how they were saved were not covered by the newspapers.

In addition to this, I learned some useful information about Teyvat which may be connected to the truth of this world, information I cannot write in this letter but I'm going to tell you everything once we meet in person. Or maybe in our next dream? :)

Everyday I look forward to sleeping for a chance to see you again. Though our meetings are unconventional, I cannot begin to tell you how much they give me strength to face the challenges of the real world. I hope you feel the same. <3

I'm really sorry about how our last dream ended... The huge wolf that attacked us was a wolf I met in the wild. We named him Cerby, short for Cerberus. He saved me when a Fatui Operative attacked us and we became friends since then. Anyway, I may have some idea why Cerby appeared in my dream. You once told me that the things we encounter in our dreams are the result of our subconscious thoughts. I reflected on it a lot and I may have felt frightened anxious at some point when were getting intimate. These feelings may have caused my subconscious to create Cerby, a creature who once protected me. I hope this doesn't upset you... Cerby means well! He's very sweet and clingy! I hope you meet him someday. Maybe when you drop by Fontaine once your work allows you?

He stiffened at the last paragraph. Lowering the paper and gazing at the window, he realized Lumine had not elaborated why she felt anxious or "frightened" as she had originally written. Did he do something that warranted this reaction? He needed to find out soon. Lifting the paper, he continued reading.

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