Fontaine, Part 1

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Chapter 2: Fontaine

Part 1

Lumine broke through the surface of the Thalatta Submarine Canyon, splashing and sending ripples to the otherwise placid Fontaine waters. As soon as the cold air hit her face, oxygen rushed into her lungs, breathing in the scent of seawater. The heat from the sun warmed her cheeks as streaks of golden hair stuck to her neck and face. She brushed them away with the palms of her hands, eyes flashing open for any sign of danger only to see the Court of Fontaine looming at a distance.

"Traveler!" Paimon called as the creature floated on the surface. "Do you have the package with you?"

"Yeah." She lifted a hand from below the water and discover it was empty. "Archons, it must've slipped from my hand!"

"Yves and his boss won't be happy, then we won't get our mora. Paimon thinks we should retrieve it as soon as possible."

"Right." The two dived back into the water and started retracing their steps, surveying the underwater landscape.

It had only been a week since Lumine's departure from Sumeru, but the time she had waved goodbye to Dehya at Caravan Ribat felt so long ago.

The events of the past days had been plaguing her mind to no end - her quick and unexpected meeting with the Hydro Archon Furina, Lyney, Lynette, Navia and Monsieur Neuvilette. Thankfully, her commissions from the Adventurer's Guild kept her mind busy. A daily dive to underwater Fontaine and witnessing the breathtaking view was all she needed to calm her nerves and think straight.

Pausing to take in the vast expanse of the ocean, the Traveler watched various schools of fishes spooling at every corner of the sea. Glowing Beryl Conches scattered the floor while bunches of round, blue Tidalgas floated about. They passed by three Blubberbeasts dancing to some unnamed melody that echoed into the depths, their round belies twirling from side to sides as they flapped their massive, succulent fins.

Finally spotting the package next to a wooden cage, Lumine grabbed it with both hands but stopped short when she noticed an otter waving at her from inside the cage. It spun in circles happily when it caught her attention. Squinting, Lumine thought the white head and blue streaks of fur reminded her of something or someone she couldn't quite name.

"We have to free the poor thing," Paimon told Lumine but the Traveler was already unbarring the cage even before she spoke. The otter dived outside excitedly, swimming and wiggling around the pair. Lumine laughed as she watched the tiny sea creature.

"Oh, let's not keep Yves waiting," Lumine said after recovering from a fit of laughter, and they swam back to the surface.

"Wait!" Paimon exclaimed before they start heading to the shore. "Look!" She pointed to the sea. The otter had followed them. The Traveler approached the small creature, meaning to say goodbye, but her eyes fell on an open wound on its arm.

"It must've been wounded when it was captured." Lumine tried to examine the wound but the otter withdrew fearfully.

"The otter wants our help but it's scared to get hurt. Paimon wonders what happened to him." Paimon looked over thoughtfully.

"Can you come with us? We'll treat your wound," Lumine muttered reproachfully to the otter. The creature hesitated, so she stretched her arms on both sides to show she meant no harm. That seemed to convince the otter and it paddled to her slowly while nursing its wound.

Back to the shore, they trudged to the campfire they had left behind while Lumine cradled the otter. They lit a fire quickly to dry themselves, hanging wet clothes on wooden poles and stabbing skewered fish around the fire pit to roast them. The fire crackled and spat embers from the wood they had salvaged from a nearby forest. The smell of burning fish meat made their stomachs grumble.

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